Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 144, 21 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

FEED STUFFS To Arrive Per ss. Arawa, \VASH1XGT0N OATS! Four Hundred Rn<j*. \\ r asliin?ton Kolleil Bariev. t 7 One Ihoueanā R<vj*. WASHINGTON HKAN. Five Hundred Ro<j*. At L.owest Traie Prioes. 1 LARGE >TO( K OF Groceries Always on Hand AT THEO. H- DAViES & CO. p21-lw FLOUR ! -:- To Arrive Per ss. Arawa, 400 Bbls. Oregon FIour. li<>n brand, qnarter sacks. 400 Bl)k \Viisl1i11doD Flour C <k C brand, qnarter sacks. For Sale AT LOW E.'GURES. T. H. DAVIES & COju21 1 w . POrXD MASTER*S NOTICE. Xotice is hereby given to all persons that , 1 there are at the Uoverntuent Pound at ila- ‘ ; kiki, six strayed horses. 1 poor red horse, white spots on the fore- , bead and haek, l>randed (t) on the rīght hip »nd W8 on the left. 1 poor chestnot ook>r horee, whit« spot 1 on the forehead, white left hind leg, brand in.lesoribab e on both right and left hips. I cream co!ored horse. white spots on the i forehead and back. hrunded SM right hind leg. hind legs are white. feet are shod. 1 dippl«l horse. brand indescribable on the left hind leg. 1 poor red horse, white spo» on tbe back. hind legs are white, feet are shod, brand . indeecribable on tne left hip. 1 grey horse. white spot on the forehesd; white hiud legs, brand indescrit«bie on the ! ■ rigfat hind leg. Any person or penona owned these horses are reqnested to oome an.l take the same on or lvfore 12 o'eloek noon SATrB- i DAT, JUXE 30th, lSm JAMES KUKONA, Poond M«ster Makiki, Jnne lSth. 1S0*. 1-w dly. ' — POUND MASTERS NOTICE. Nohoe is hereby given to all penona, that tbere is at the Gorermnent Ponnd at Makiki. one hUek mare, white spot oa ihe forehead, brand indesēribable oo the ieft hind leg, right ear bare been cut o2 Any penon or penona owning this mare a n regne»tēd to eome and take the aame on cr beiore 12 o'eioek noon SATUBDAY, JUNE, 25. 1SM. JAMES KUKONA, 1 Ponnd Master, Makāki, Jane. 12. im. jtuw 12-1« dly