Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 148, 26 June 1894 — Thc Kahului Races [ARTICLE]

Thc Kahului Races

Through the combined efforts of tbe two steamsbip companies, ihe races at Kaholai on the 4tb of Joly will proTe a soccess, and tbe sporting fraternitv of Honolulo will be euabled to be present and see the issoe betwixt Silky anJ NevaJa. Wilder’s steumship company will dispatch the Claudine 011 tbe 3d at 5 p.m., and the Inter-islaud steamship company’s boat Malulani wili ieave Maalaea on the morning of the 5th, and arrive here abont two p m. the same afternoon. Tbe well-known hospitality of the Maui people will make the hoors between the finish of the races and the sailing of the Malulani pass like a charm, and all tbose who ean get away, and are not interested in the pmclamation of the republic, should go up and accept the freedom of Maui.