Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 June 1894 — HE IS A CHRISTIAN. [ARTICLE]


— And Don’t Yon Forget It. The followinf» translation of au extract of an edit'-rial in the Ku Leo o ka Lnhui wili be very gnti- ’ fving to Lieut«nant-Coiumander j Logan and also to Holy Joe. | The end< rsen»ent whieii the gal * lant commander of the Philadel- j j phia troops hus roceiv.-d from Brother Bnsh will insure to him ! a hearty weleome by St. Peter, ; and a prompt opening of the golden portals. Emmerson go to j h ades; When the Philadelphia troops | reached Washington l’laee. the ' co:nmander, in a stentorian j voice, gave the order to "hort i Arms'’ while marching past. If ; no other indications are shown | in the future by the officer in 1 eommami. we ean re.idily see | th »t he bas acted well the part of j a penllemau in re.»pecting Her Majeety. by tbe grace of Gud j Qae«-n of t'be Hawniian Islauds, with tbfc appr»>v«l of the native race. • Praise be to the Lienten ant for his gfcutlemanly «ct, and : thns sbowmg that he is not only a soldier bot a Ctristian ns well by ex'>ibītiug his kind sympath> fcr ooe who bas been wrong fully injured. and without just caose or provoeation. Go»i will bless yoo and protect your health. thou stn»nger with feeliugs of atfection lor our Queen * * * This American is not like Emmerson, a son of one of the missionary fathere, who def»med the Queen sbortly after listenmg to the Word of God. The first per8oo is an enlghtend Americaa and tbe aeeoua one is a dowaright pagan. if we were to meaeaie hw in acoordance with the rūlera of inteliigenoe and ChrisUaoity.