Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 June 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]


Tbe Aclvertiser who catobes a eve oaaaliy \tic> a costomer. Many clit!erent styles of adverlising have been adopted aud witb more or less success, by the believers in tbe use of printers ink. The inanufactnrer> of Pears Soap, for iostance, occa>ion ally buy paintinps that have been on exhibition in the Pari’s Salon aud have lithopraphs m.ule from thein for the pnipose of bringing tbeir product before the people. la addition to such side issues, Pear'sj>ends hnndreds tbousands of doIlais annuallv among the uewspapers and magazines. Some years ago the Agents iof certain articlo on sale in Xew York made a bit iu advertising by baviug ou Broadway during busine.ssboars two fatluessly dressed Negroes wearing very bigh eollan». ion the backs of whieh w.is priuted “Use Smiths Pills.“ Tbe I idea was novel Hnd tbe pnblic cauglit on. Rising Sun Stove Polisb has been kept before tbe public for years tlirougb persistent, and sometimes e\pen8Īve advertising. Twenty odd years ago the mannfactorers of tbis polish started balf a dozen raen acrosstbe orniment to paint signs !on rocks and feuces. Tbe Aermotor Co., of Cbicago have ini creased its sales more than five hundred per cent in two vears bv the use of printers ink. We behevo wo bave l»eon instrnmental in increadng the sdes of tbe Aemotor by keepiugeverlastingly at it in Huw lii. We do not wish to say tbat advertisiug will sell auy tnanafactured article; tliere is no ase ; spending mouey in advertisiug : "eheap «nd nastv” goo<ls beeunae tlie («eople will uotbohoo*l- I wmked. If HaviUnd Cbina w»s ' not the superior article it is, all | our advertising of it would uot | bave sold the tbonsands of pieot*s : tbat we bave. We simply eall i tbe attention of tlio people to it 1 and its superior 4)uality i.s appar- | j ent to tbe customer directlv a I pieee of it is exatnined. Printers ink bas helpeil tbe sale | of tbe James. Locked Penee but \ it \rould not have dones so if it bad ) been as tlimsy as tbe or dintty wire fence. First; the economy tliera |is in building it recorainemls it to the plantation manager and then its dnrabiiity clinches the the sale If the stays aud wasliers cost as mueh a.s au ordiu iry redwood post our sales <>f the material would not bave reached such enonuoua proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is abont two a day the I year round. if was not the best iron »tove on the market we would not sell that many m six j montbs. Advortising is the tip to the publ:c the gootl points io j thearticle seils it ju«t as the goo4 qnalities of the Fischer SteeUange make it a desirable article i for people who wish toeconouus» i in the use of fuel. We bny only wbat bas proven good after people in the L niwd States or Europe have given it i trial; we profit by their experiuc« if the articles are goood we boy and sell tbem; if they are p<*>* we steer clear of them. W hea we advertise an article it is to «6* tract attention to it; the ne» - ** paper ; s tbd button we pasb, ‘he salesman does the rest. Persistent advertising eonpleu . with the articla being a superi°r one has sold tbousaiuls of ’he | Frank Walcot Emory File. L bad been no better tban an ’•’** dinarv scythe stone we prob» y woulJ nok bare sold When a man finds ont tbat hli I table knives may be keptsh\rp*t all times at an expense of cents and a very little grease he is quite wiiliDg to tba eipenmenh Tte HaiaUa Hartfars W 307 Fort Strtti