Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


WLere is tbe Monowai' The Aikoku Maru is telephoned. Tomorrow the convention will raeet for the last time. — Geo. E. Eoanlman is an agent to take acknowledgment. The J. C. Glade left this afternoon for Sau Francisco. C. W. Asbford went to Kailua on business this morning. The Malulani left this morning for Maui and Hawaii. She will return next Thursday. The Kinau arrived this morn- 1 ing with a very slim passenger , list. Miuister Willis will hold the custoraary 4th of July reception at the Hawaiiau Hotel uext W ednesday. Dr. Armitage left for Wailuku j this moruing where he will as- . sume the duties of governmeut physiciau. Tho Schutzen Club will elect officers tonight at their new quarters at the Beretauia street armory. J The Aikoke Maru is due from Japan. She brings 700 Japanese ‘ stailonts” who will go into competition with the mecbanics, Jock laborers, workingmen and storekeepers in Honolulu. ■ Ti»o uew republic will probably be |>roclaimed ou Wednesday at 3p. m. i’he l. S. troops will , not land, and uo salute will be tired from tho warships. Tlie Histoncal Societv holds a moeting this eveuing at the Y.M. C. A. hall. Judge Frear will read a paper ou the history of the judiciary iu Hawaii. There will be a very important meeting of the American Leagne touight. The freedom of the floor will, iu tho future possiblv be granted to the 7ooJupunese freemen who are here now. L. J. Levey has received aeon signrtu>ut of Champague cider of a most excelleut quality. lt will be a suitable beverago for the enthusiastic ci~de(r)vant Amor icaus who desire to close the saloons on the 4th. Miuister Thurstou will clear out on Moudav and take in the 4th of Juh’ at the Volcano. Minister Damon disappears on Suuday by the Warrimoo. Is it safer to be out of town than aroond on the birthday of ilr. Dole’s republic? The J. A. Cummins left this afternoon for Waianae on a fish - ing expedition, with a party of gentlemen, amoug whom were Admiral Walker, Mr. Samuel Parker and Mr. Widemann. No poliiieal significance! The party will return tomorow evening or on next Sunday.