Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BRUGE CARTWRiGHT i dusiua>s of u Fi(lnciary Kntnre Trens»otc<i. I ' ?rompt attention giren to the tr.ar of Estates, G ’<mliausliH'd, Tn3*ts, etc., etc_, etc. ; (jTfio , * J : C<x.'lwri<jht BniUting,\ Merch*n! Streel. Hon' inln ii. lo^k, otn ry l^uhlie. CoUeci*>r mi l General litmness\ .lgent. Paleniee of Lose’s Chemical| Oompouni) for Clarifying C<mr Jmu. Suh-Agent for serera / of the\ Brst FIRE INS(TRAXCE COS.\ ! Muuial l'elepHoue n P. O. Bol rtlt8. ; Merch«nt str •>«, ‘Hono'uln. FAT BOV.” BAYH0RSE$2 SAL00N ! P. McINKHNV, Fkoprieto!i, Fine Liquors, VVines anei Beer. CoK.NEtt Betuel ami Hotel Sts. LEWIS & eo. Wholesale and Retaii Gro AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA SALM0N ONICĒ By Evety Ban Francisco Steamer. Salt Salmon in Barbels a Specialty. in Fort St., Honolulu. TcL 240 , p tl. Box 297. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA.” Another Invoice of the World Renowneti FREOERICKSBUBG LAGER BEER On dranght and by tbe keg. AIso, as a Specialt3*, Small Fresh California 0YSTERS. FOR COCKTAl1LS mayl 3ms AIerchant JExchange Coroer Kjng aaa Naaanu Streets. S. L SRA\V....Maiiager. Tbe Finest selection ot LIQUOBS and «oki any»here in the lovn. First-cisea attesdance. CaQ and judge for yo«p»eif. no 113-tf. PACIF1C SAL00N, Coraa Kmg and Nnaaan Stnete. EDW, WOLTEB... .Maaager. Tb« Hamt Mlwooa e i UQUOBS asd BEKB, nld aaprbm i» Um knm. Firit rl— ittnton. CaH md jndgt