Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 152, 30 June 1894 — What an Antithesis. [ARTICLE]

What an Antithesis.

( Of all the foolish, idiotic, mnsensical and chi1dish ebullitions of our fifth rate statesmen (?) the new badges now for sale, and whieh will be sj>orted by the p. g. heroes of feline-like vitality on i tbe ‘dav we C9lebrate,” take the banl Iraagine the One first in war, first in peaee, and first in the heart of his countrymen, being placed alongside of a political judicial—fillibustering leader of an iusignificant clique who have ; stoleu the right of a nation —and [that uation, the country of his birth! On second tboughts we presnine that the designer of these infantil« s\'mbols of mental aud rooral slavery intended to work in. on the p. g., a huge pieee of irony, aud he has suc- ; ceeded admirably. W r ashingfon was first iu war etc., while Dole | —the great only— has ever been ! | last in war —extremelv first in peaee, and is absolutely detested by thc majority of his countryt men.