Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

— ! Sydney, (N. S. M.), June 14. j | Sir George Dibbs, the Premieri aud Oolonial Secretarv of New ! South Wales, has subiaitted to I the Preraier of Victoria, B. B. Patterson, a scberae for Austra lian unity. Sir George suggested that tue eoloniea of Victoria and New South Wales sbould first uuite and that afterward tbe colonies of South Anstralia and j Queensland are to euter into tbe nnion. London. Jnne 12. A cablegram from Hongkong says on acconnt of the plague 100,000 people have fled and 1,500 deatbs : hare oceurred. The number of deatbs is estimated 100 a day. | Tbe population of Hongkong. inclnding tbe military and naval i establishments. by the eenaua of i j 1891 was 221,441. Glasgow, June 16. Tho Ameriean yacbt Vigilant arrived at Greenock at 3 o’eloek this afternoon, baving made the paasage from New Xork in fifteen days| and nine houn».