Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 July 1894 — LOCAl NOTES. [ARTICLE]


That Serpentine dance. Uhg * Mr. C. A. Spreckels arriTed on the Belgic on a bnsiness trip. The Belgic left at 5 o'eloek this morning for the Orient. The Schutzen Club meets tonight. The Maui races were unusually quiet thi» year. Mr. A. de Sonza Canavarro has resumed his functions as Portuguese Consul-General. Mr. C. W. Asbford did not return to town on the Hall as was expected. The government band plays in the hospital grounds this afternoon. Fort street school closed today, taking a week longer vacation than other government schools. The Rev. Penrose, an arrival by the Mariposa, is the Central Union parson. The flag in the government vard was displayed at half mast today, out of respect to France. The Ha waiian messenger service is doing good work. The oflice is iu tho Masonic building. Mrs. de Varigny, whose hus - band at one time was Minister of Foreign Atfairs,. died lately in France. Mr. J. H. Soper has retired to private life with uniforms,military educatiou aud other accoutrements. Minister M'illis and Cousulgenerals Fujii and Canavarro called at the foreign office this morning. Last nights’ Star was printed in two oolors, preaumably as an indication of the oditor’s ehameleonie propensities. The Portnguese woman who was shot yesterday, is still at the hospital in a precarious condition. The Miike Maru will depart tomorrow for Yokohama. A uumber of Japanese have taken passage on her. There are prospects of a boat race between the Philadelpbia crew aad the native crew whieh pulled on the 4th of July. Very few people have taken the new oath to the new republic. They are getting tired of swearing. A match race between Johnny Hayward and Nerada will probably be arranged in a few days. It will most Iikely take plaee on tbe 2d of Septembei. The delegates to the convention are hieing themselves to their respective bomes, where they will be “welcomed” by the “people.” Miw Ada Jones, daugbter of P. C. Jones of this city was married on the 12th olt, at Newion, Maaa, to Mr. Alonao Gartley, laie of the U. S. N.