Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 July 1894 — A Great Success. [ARTICLE]

A Great Success.

The performance by the Van-| derlip Novelty Company last night was witnessed by a large and l verv appreciative andience. The show excelled everything seen in Honolnln in tbat line. Eveiyone of the performers was a star, and both actors and audience were in splendid hnmor. Miss AJair‘s Serpentine dance took the boose with storm. She responded to four encores, and if the audience had had its way the dancer would have been obliged to spend the whole nigbt on the st*ge. J The singiug aud daucing of the otber ladies were excellent, and every nomber was greeted with enthusiastic applause. It is to be hoped that the troupe on their return from the Orient will stop in Honolulu and give the town another first class troat. The Ananeial resnlt was very satisfactory in spite of tbe usual cry of “hard times.’’ The company | left for Japan on the Belgic.