Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 July 1894 — Prof. Adelstein's Mandolin Musicale. [ARTICLE]

Prof. Adelstein's Mandolin Musicale.

— At the mandolin musicale to be given at the Opera House, on' Tuesday evening the 17th inst., I Prof. Adelstein will be assisted by Miss Kate McGrew, soprano and violin; Mis. W. J. Warriner, j contralto; Miss Nettie Bnrhans,; piano; Miss M. Patty, violin; Mr. j Geo. Paris, dute; and Mr. Wrayj Taylor, eello. Besides the vocal and instrumental numbers, Prof. Adelstien wili perform several solos on the mandolin and lute, j the programme has been arranged with great care and will be a very attractive one. lt will 1 contain many numbers new to our musical people, all of whieh will be worth hearing. One of the most beautiful numbers will be an instrumental sextette eom- j posed of mamlolin, two violins,| tiute, eello and piano. Alto-| gether it promises to be ono of the mnsical events of the year. Box plan is now open at Levey’s.