Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BRUGE CARTWRICH% Busines» of a Fiduci*ry Namre Trsn>acted. Prompt »tt<?ntion gWen to the maBag*ment ol Entat<rs Gnardi»nships, Trnsts. etc., etc., etc. Ojjwes, : Ca.'tvrright BuiUting, Merch»nt Street. Honolulu H. LOSE, Xotary l-hihlie. CoIlector and Oeneml Business Agent. Patcntee nf Lose’s Ohemioal Compound for Clarifying Caiie Juut. Sub-Agenf for sei'eral of the Best FIRE IXSURANCE COS. Mntnai ’l'elephone o. P. 0. Box 338. Merchant street, Honolnln. “FAT B0Y." 8AL0ŪN I P. McIXEUNT, Fkopkietor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. COR.VE8 Bethel axd Hotkl Sts. LEWI3 & eo. Wholesale and RetaiS 6ro • AND PROYISION DEALERS. FRESR CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Erery 8an Francisco Steamer. Salt Saljiok in Barrels a Speculty. iii Fort Si., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P O. Box 297. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Another Invoice of the World Renowned FREOERICKSBURG LAGER BEER On draught tind by tbē keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California OYSTERS, FOR COCK:TAlILS raayl 3ms CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. JOBBERS OF STES, and SPIRITS M!erchant Exchange Corner Kisg aaa Nanann Strcet§. S. L SHAW....Maaager. Tha FiaMt *daetk>a o l UQUORS and EEE&. sold anywhere in ihe tcwn. CaH aad jndge