Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LOST. A FOX T£KB1£R BITCH answt*ring to tlie nnmo of ■‘Paieh.'’ A rewanl will l>e paid for her recovery at tbe Anchor Saloon, corner of Nunann and King streets. WM. DAVIES. Ri«:#er, St©vedor\' and recker. E.STIMATES AND CONTBACTS ON ALL KIXDS OF WORK, Inquire at Office of J. Walker. over Spreckels’ Bank or Wright Bros Fort Street.| d«c lB-0 C.T. A.KAJS"A. R|ei | c|aiit īailoi 1 * 324 Nnnann Street All Suits Guaranteed To Fit aml in the Latest Style. Clothej CleaneJ and Bepaired. nol7 F. GERTZ. 11A-S 11E OPKNKD HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Opposite ttie C!nb Stab!e on Fort Street. and wi!l be glad to aee hi.s old friends. may7-tf. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-clas8 Batking Resorl bas bcen enlarged and is now i open to the pnblic. It is tbe * best laee on tbe isiands to enjoy j a bath and there is mo bettet plaee to lay 08. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcarv 5 pass the door every half faourand on Satordays and Snndays overv ; fifteen minntes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor.