Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 July 1894 — WHO THEY ARE. [ARTICLE]


it bas ratber beea pazzling to the coantry who the men were who framed tbe original draft to the constitation for the so-called Repablic. That Dole, Tharston, > and Carter had assisted in doing it was erident on tue face of the infamoos instrament. Bat we are now in possession of tbe names of all tbe cooks who spoiled the broth, Mr. Dole. in a weak raoment, gave them away. Read the following names and noboily will wonelpp over tbe textnre of the fundameutal law: W. D. Alexander, a sarveyor;. J. A. Kennedy. a bookkeeper; F. j B. McStocker, a government i clerk; Walter G. Smith, adven- j turer and joarnalist; W. C. Wil- | der,“Sam Wilder’s’' brother;H.P. Baldwin, planter; A. S. Hartwell, lawyer; A. F. Jndd, lawyer; C. ) Brown, lawyer; L. A Tharston, ■ a show man and lawyer; W. R. CastIo, lawyer; A. G. M. Robertson, lawyer; C. L. Carter, lawyer;! W. N. Armstrong, stump-orator, 1 H. N. Castle, ? ? and in spite of the immeasurable iutelligence of 1 such constitution makers. there 1 are, verily, some people who eon- j sider the constitution rotten. They ou£iht to be ashamed of themselves.