Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 158, 9 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


The Serpentine clnb meetā tonight. Ugh! The band will play at Emma Sqnare tonight. Mr. Jame» Girvm is uow working in the foreign office. There will be a dance at Rey- ; moud grove next Friday. TheSpreckelsbrothers andparty wili leave for Mani tomorrow. ' Captain Barker’s saccessor will probably arrive on the Australia. Admiral Walker is confined to his ship throagh a light indisposition. i “Tommy” nearly forgot, yesterday that his “maehine” is punctured. ’ i The new parson of the Central Uniou, Mr. Penrose preached his first sermon yesterday. The Crescents beat the Hawaiis 10 to 3 runs. Wood’s pitching will yet make the Kams turn pale. i Mr. C. W. Ashford retnrned by the Claudine yesterday moruing from a basiness trip to Maui and Hawaii. The seats to Professor Adelstoiu’s raandolin musicale on the 17tli inst. are beiug rapidly taken , at Levoy’s office. ; The Sunday shooting at Makiki was in full blast yesterday. The residents in that vicinity are begiuniug to growl. The uew British representative who is lo take the plaee of Min- [ ister Wodehouse is expected to arrivo here on Satorday. It is stated that a meeting will' be held tonight for the purpose of re-organizing and recoustructing the old Liberal party. Sans Souci and Long Brauch were visited by a lurge nomber of people who enjoyed the exquisite bathing at these resovts. A man on horseback entertained a number of people at the i Kapiolani park yesterday by an imprompta circas. The horse got decideilly the best of it. Dr. Geo. Herbert former!y of Wailuku arrived here yesterday and will mahe his residence in Honolalu. The doctor will be a valuable addition to the medical fraternity as well as to the society of Honolalu. _____ Professor Berger bas composed a new march called the “Repoblie of Hawaii” whieh will be j played to-night at the Emma Square concert. If the Professor had composed a better repablic the country woald have been gratefal to him. The match-race between the Philadelphia crew and the native boys will probably take plaee in ; a few weeka. Daty on-board prevents tho blae-jackets from issuing their challenge at present. Why doesn’t Mr. Hatch’s “exclasive” organ publish the * ; recognition’ * from Messrs. W odehouse, Ter!aye, Fujii and Oanararro? Don't they soit ihe Iittle man and bis Star?