Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 159, 10 July 1894 — More Politics. [ARTICLE]

More Politics.

“Tbe People s Party” is a new political organization. A large namber of citizens who hure felt that the people were left ont in tbe cold onder the new constitntion have joined the organization and intend to make it as formidable and saccessfal as was tbe Liberal party in 1892. The party approres of the repnblican form of government, bat it decidedly objects to the new constitation. The officers elected to senre for the time being are; C. H. Lather, President; E. H. F. Wolters, lst Vice-President; J. C. Quinn, 2J Vice-President; H. von Werthen, secretarj r . A statement in tbe Advertiser that a special motion had passed to bar Messrs. Marray, Towse and Severin from becoming members is incorrect. The gentlemen mentioned are not wanted, bat nobody is prevented from joining the clab, who ean be elected as a member. The organization will have a wholesome etfect and help to bring politics back iu the old grooves. There should be nohesitation in joining the clab.