Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 160, 11 July 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We do sot boU oar%ires respossībIe for i tbe opēmoni or :he attenaces of our eone«poadents.] Editok Holomca. For a low spitefal lickspittled weathercock the nasty editor of the Star takes tbe eake. Why ihe fellow is mean enoagb to jamp the Slar and enter the Holomla ot£ce tommorrow. for an adrance of six and a qnarter cents a day oxer his present tip. He appears to take mueh pleasare almost | daily, in spitefally branding his saperiors as boodles —while he, t the daisy twinkler, is known to be the worst boodler in the eoan- ; tn—on a small scale. He woald boodle a dying royalist baby of its last drop of soothing syrap — and then break the bottle for spite. Still, he is encoaraged and cuddled ander tbe wing of the close corporation of the 1 Central Union Charch. In this 1 day of our Lord—Puritanism, ; spite and hypocracy ; appear ; synonymoas. Ncff Sed.