Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 161, 12 July 1894 — GET THAT ANSWER. [ARTICLE]


It is no use ramcing matters. If tbe governmeut really desire to bring tho opposition aud espeeialh’ the Hawaiiaoe to recognize them jK>litically and toallow tbem to lieeomo a representative, if not a j)oj*ulur government, they must assist in obtaining a final expression from the United Statos administration. The royalists will constautly believe in possibilities —or impossibilities — from the haudsof Cleveland until they. throngh some man or men in whom tbey bave confidence »nd who have been on the spot. leam that *‘tlie game is up.” If it could be arranged that oue or two Ieading men could go to Washiugtou witbont delay the prospects of a settled and stable governmeut here would be immenselv advanced. If not receivetl by the ndministration the answer woold be there and satisfactorv to tho party. If received —well, then we would know one w»v or other. It i» rumored that a plan iu this line has been projected «nd th«t membors of the governraent are placing obstacles in its way. If the government is wise and roeans houest, it will cbange tacties «nd furtber the scheme. In four weeks all nncertaiutv coold be done away with and tbe country either settle downiuconstitutional grooves or, if tbe i*eople should chose. start in bammeriug «nd clnbbing eaeh other. Let us get tbe auswer.