Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 163, 14 July 1894 — COMMUNE IN GHICAGO. [ARTICLE]


Millions of Property Destroyed. Chicngo. July 7. —ith flaming torch lawless hordes of flrebugs are at work at a score of points iu the south half of Chic»go. Fires are raging in every direction among the nuraerous railroad yards, hondreds of cars and tens of thousancLs of dollars worth of raerchaudise have gone up in j sraoke or been carried otf by the uow frenzied mob of rioters. Incendiarisra is rampant, alanu after alann has followed in quick successiou all day. and tonight at 11 o’eloek the glare reflected from the heavens shows that the disorderly pastirae continues uuiab«ted. Panhandle yards, from Fiftyfifth to Sixty-third street, are on fire. Tbe tracks. contained frora KKK) to ‘2000 cars, half of tbem loaded. will a total loss. No water being at hand, the fire must burn itself out. The Panhandle station at Sixtv-third street was also fired and destroyed. Aboat eighty cars were burned altogether in the Illinois Central vards and tonight at 10 o’eloek the flames were yet smoldenng, but no further spread of the fire at this point was feared. The Grand Trank y.crds at Elston is a sea of flame. Five hnndred boxcars are supposed to have been burned, and efforts to , eheek the flames have been futilo. When directing the movements of the EIeventh BataIlion at Fifty-first street Fire Marsbal Fit/patrick was seized by the thoroaghly frenzied mob of firebogs and thrown into a pond, from whieh he was rescned by the poliee more dead than alive. Everythi g at this point will ; probably be a total loss. At Hyde Park.nearthe World’s Fair grounds, asfaes of forty cars are now smoldering, and word has just eome in that, after numerons efforts, the mob bas aaoceeded in firing the iUinois Central ahope at Boraaide.

The loss in the Panhandle yard alone ia estimated at ?1,200.000. The first detachment of the N itiocal G iard reached Kensington &t 8:30 o’eloek. The people lined np along the tracks where the troops were iearing tbe cars, and the citizen soldiers were receivedwith shouts of derision and di*paraging criea.