Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Auctlon 8ale — OF — ' Stoves, Ranges & Agateware On Thursday, July a6th At a o’eloek M. at UIT 3*lesroom, I wiU Sell at Pablic Anrtion, » ComifnaiTnt of KEW STOVES, 3 aizes; 4 MONAKOH RANGES, With Klcvjkted Oren*, »nd » L*rje Un« of IRON-CLAD ENAMELED WARE, Compri»inf Cotfee *nd Te*pot», S»nc*p»n», Pots. Rice Boilers, ete. Good» now*on view. JAS. MORGAa. j u ly23 Auctioneer. Auction Sale of Riee Plantatation at Waikiki-kai. In per»n*nce of in»trnotious from HO 31'X of E» a, IsUnd of Oahn. H. L. the morUt»eee n«med in a Chattie Mortga«re. exeeuted bv CHEOXO KIM TAI, d»:ed October 34th. 1398, »nd recorded in Liber 139. pages 257-3, 1 shall sell to the his'best bidden‘ «t »uction. »t mr 3aJes Room, Honolnln, on3ATl. RDAY the āth d»y of July, 13W, »t 12 o’eloek noon, the foUowinit property, vix: The Rice Ph»nt»lion, known ** the Cbeong Kim T»i, (fonnerly the Yce Hop Co), Pl*nt»t!on, »t W»lklki-kai, Honolnlu, inclndinc »11 leaee» of l»nds embraeed therein. on whieh are dwelling house, outhonse*. threshiug floor »nd equipments of » weU eonducted rlee pl»nt»tion; »lso »U the implemeni» of culttvation, horses, wagon, ete. A scheduie of the lc»ses »nd other concemed may be secn »t the o£Bce of C. . Ashford, Attoroev for the Mortgagee. — Terms of 3ale, Cash, Deeds at expen»e of purcba»er. L. -J- Levey, AuctioHeer. T. B. Mmray Im let to be Fonnd i On the Old 8t«nd, lo. 14 Klng Ht.—Hia HnnlneM um CARRIAGE AND WAOON MANDFACTDREK Goes On. & When the “PEOPLES’ PAKTY” gets smashcd he will be ready to EEPilE, PAINĪ i»D T6IIIT At a ReaSonable Figure.— No Extra Charge for Furnishing them with Oommon Sense. LETTHEM RING UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. jy8l 6m City - Carriage cohpmiy Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. 1(. BE]iT, Mj[u^ Biacksmith Work AXO Carriage Repairing Itt *U itn Branehes, at Bed Rook Pnoen. Give on n Call and judge for joarMlf. jy23 CRITERION SIL00N. tMton4>Extr».p»l« Lager Heep 2 Oehoomn for 2$ Cu. ĪjU L, H. DBB, Frop*r