Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 July 1894 — No Bluff. [ARTICLE]

No Bluff.

Tbe owners of Mevsds bare poblished their resdiness to hold their Challenge to Johnnv H»yward‘s owner open nntil Moodsy the 30th inst at 12 p. m. thereby giring Mr. CornweU*s agent smple time to commonicate with kim snd receive his ssnoiion to stgn srticles—and tbe money. II s race is not msde now no suspioioua of blnffing oan be sttached to tbe Nevsds men. The blnfi wUl be on the other side. Let ns hsve the rsce, genUemen, or »U shut np. P. 8. Diekey hssn't gmn np beooming Piesident, after Dole, sll tbe lune. Thst’« no Binff! ___________