Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 25 July 1894 — LADIES COLUMN. [ARTICLE]


r I r } Y«»u L*«jk our ad»iae week ; aud have pn»Gted by onr Hos:ery . oflVr. and we Ihink *rv sati5fi**d r I you h*ve tbe best of the Bargain. - < there are not msny left. but wbat r | there is go at our Cut Pr‘ce. 51 Ail throngh tbia week your s’ril- >: iug faces wi!I mean tbe BIues to us. as we see Bund!e Bundle of Vietoria Lawne going out of Uie 5 , store at 75 ceuts for 10 yards—and . Merrimac Prints at -50 cents tor 10 . ysrds—and Ginghnms. that are G!ngham3, 12 yards f«»r $1 —or i Browa Cottons 16 yards for II, ean you hlame w for having the 61ues | } when you are carrying off goods at . | thtse prices? This thing goes ou* . | all the week. 1 WEDNESDAY, JULY -25. marks » . ))another day of Sacrifioe so far as i we are concerned. Colored Wonl ■ Dress Gocda (all wool) you have 1 p?id us 75 cents fur same Ci.tss ot • [Goods. Now they are yours at 50 : , ■ cents a yard. These go«ods are ! worth buying if yoa don’t make . ’ them up for a year. Thty are all , | New Goo<ls and Patterns. 1 SATCRDAY. JULY 28, Ukea in everything. but the Remaant Buy1 ers will have it all t!ieir own way. : Every pieee we have gies withont ■ reserve at y«*ur own prices—ts a , , pienie fbr you, but we want the i ro;)ra for New Gocds. Underwear I is receiving our special atteution. . the mark down bas been general all through our StocS, in fact the , fundamental law of our house is to » at a very small protit in every . Department the days of f.»ncy prices ure over. Next week you i wili bear sometbing to y«»ur itij | terest. Vours etc., ; > ' B, F. Fhiers €a. | | j y 23-tf . ■