Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 25 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

GONSAIVES A!lnj< on H»ad a »npply of (kr Vm Best Piooeer Soap In of 40,. 42. 50, W »mi 70 Ban «*h; THFS SOAF 13 THE Pmest lmported Eere. 3PE41AL PKK E3 FOR 5 C.\3E3 IS LOT3I m m«dirs Ceiebrated Brands of SCOTCH WltISKEY Sam<Iy: BEN AtDOCHLAN, Ainsley's OLD Blended lGlenlivet OLENLION , Extra, Special 6LENLI0N SPEC1AL L1QUEUR SCOTCH WHISKEY. POUNP MASTER’S NOTICE. Noūee ls herebv giveu to all peraons th*t there are at tbe Government Pound at Makiki, Iour »trayed horses. 1 poor red ho»e, white spots on the foreheao, back and on the left side; brand AF queer brand on left hip; two hind fetlocks whitc; 2 front hoofs Hbod; one hlaok mare, white spot on forehead and back: braud, a heart; ftrand on left hip not distinct; sore back; one bay mare, white forebead: brand 2XMj; brands on Ieft and right hipe iudistinct; one bay horse, fore fetlock white; brand on right hip Mj; bmnd on left not plain. AU persons owning same are rednested tn take tne same ou or befor6 12 o’eloek noon SATUKDAY, AUO.4 1894. JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, July 21. 1894. , jy21-dt P. O. Bos 309. 409 Nuoanu St. . S. YASUM0RI, . MEKCHANT TAILOK. Dealer in Japanese Oootls, Boots amt Shoes of Japanese make; Cbeap for Cash, New Goods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LIE SUNG KEE, 49 KING 8TREET. TrN8MITH, A.vr> DEALER IN OLA88ware, Crockery, Coal-Oil Stove«, W%ter PoU—Plnmbing in All Its Brancbes Faith* fnUy £xecnted. jy 18-1 y Y. LUM 8ING, Dealer in Frnits and Groceries. Fresh Frmte by Everv Califomia Steamer, Eresh Island Bntter from Hawaii. 135 Fort Street. CoflFee Roasted. P O. Box 169. Freah Island Produce, Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City, jj21 8INrO YCJEM KEE, TINSM1TH and DEALER IN TIN\VARE. Piping Laid and Kepaired. All Orders Promptly Attended to. Charges Very Moderate, C»ll and See Us. No. 222 Mannakea 8t. f Uonolulu. j y 20 Im “ ITOHAN” |MPOBTgR A,v p DEALER IN GENERAL Mannf«otnw—WHCHLffiiJL’E * kSaUL *>4 aad 30B Poh Street. - P. O. Bos 11« Mctn«l Tela. j,i$ SAM YEE HOI Ho. 522 King Street, C Caiifornia and Hawaiia v «pGhles, Qoav Gold Fisa and PouItrv. t»a, PHOTOGBAPH|R, MMl PaoaU ibioets 13.50 Per Ooaan. 2.00 Per Hiww, ēil0»5.S0PerUoaen. ‘ 3.50 P«r 1-i Doaaa. ALSO, CHINBSB 8IUTg} Jjr«