Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 172, 25 July 1894 — His Last Straw. [ARTICLE]

His Last Straw.

_ . Mr Jobn E. Busb who isaeeing I bis brief power over the Hawaiiana slippiog frora bis grasp, is now in a paroxy8ni of n»ge and irrosponsib!e anger t>nly eqnalled at tbe time when be paintedSamoa ■ red. " He bas not ont]incd any i ! policy. «s we invited Lim to d«». i He has uot bruught anv Mrgmueut | worthy «f notice to beur agaiast ■ our avowed principie that tbe I Hawaiians must either fight or { vote. He simply sits in bis corcer :idvises tbcrpeople to pray i aod wftit «nd fills his sheet wiiii . tbe vilest attacks against all and evervbody wLo ndvocate or ad-1 bere to the po!icy of the Holomua. | Too cowardly to fight. too egotis- , tical to vote, be tries to ruiu the po!itical ehanoea of tl.e Hawaiinns for the parpose of posing as a propbet aud a martyr. His latest refnge is to discredit the editor of tbis paper by saying that bribery rnns bigb in our ofiice, and that we are revelling in missionary money. Tbe Cbristian(Ogentleman wbo presides in Priuter’s Lane judges the editor of th is paper by bis own inelina- j tions and records. We regret to eall tbe attentiou of Mr. Johu E. Bnsb, tbe ex-minister of interior, the ex-ambnssador to Saraoa, and tbe ex-politician to bis own polilieal career and his own know!edge of briberies. We caro not to go back to tbe dark ages under Kalakana aud show wbat be then was. We have no space or time to write up his very interesting bistory in Samoa. We simply desire to remind him of bis career in tbe last Legislatare wheie he one daf was found as tbe bitter opponent of the Reform Party the next day as tbe virtuous defender the Beform Party and the crusher of the Naiioual Beform Party nnd tbe third day against the Queen, the government. tbe Beform Party—,«ud onl} r for Busb. Qoes he re'member how bis lilile cburch was built and who put up tbe money for it ? Has be forgotten the “small” componsations whieh oecasional!y were banded to him for an accomodating vote ? We remember tbem — even to the numberof the cbecksi Let Mr. Busb understaud that no bribe is offered to this paper or its editor. No bribe wou!d be accepted; no proposition of a compromise entertained. Weact for ibe best of the party by whieh we have stood since our paper was started and ueither prospects of churcbes or cbecks ean cbange our policy. When Mr. Jobn E. Bosb ean prove that he iswilling to sink his own self and his personal interest for the eommon good of bis country tben; and first tben, shall we be ready to accept bim as a true and good man and cease to warn the Hawaiians against him. His present actiou plaeea him only in tbe ligbt ns an enemy ; an enemy who must be crosbed.