Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 July 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]


— [We do aot hold onrselTes responsīble for ( the opinions or the utterunces of our j correspondents.] Editor Holomua. As you have reprinted the base- | less calnmny of the United Press | I Correspondent here naming myself as go-between in an allegtd attempt to bribo Messrs Tim Mur- ! ray and Klemme to becorae royalists, will you kindly insert this absolute and unqnalified denial on my part of any such i attempt or even kuctwledge of such attempt. 1 have never in ■ my life attempted any such base ; action aud personally I regard those who atterapt to give, who give or who take bribes as in a lower category tban a higbway robber or a murderer. If the Rev. S. E. JBishop is the autbor of the correspondence as you assert ho will if ho has any regard for his own reputation aa a mau or for tho honor of his cloth either publicly acknowledge that he has been mislead or mi5lakon or j he will endeavor to verify his unfounded slander publicly or for ! ever earn the contempt of all honest men who regard the writer 1 or publisher of lies for lncre with i a wholesome abhorrence. G. Carso\ Kknion. Houolulu, July 2fith, 1894. — —