Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


The Coancils still oxist nml tbe law makcrs met this afternoon. The bark R. P: Ritbet is now fullydue bero from Sau Francisco. Morgan will hold a sale of eoufiscated mer9handise at bis salesroom tomorrow morning. Tbc trnstees of tbe Queen s Hospital will hold a apeeial meeting on Satunlay morniug. Tbe Crescents nnd Hawaiis are billed to play ball at the Recreaiiou gronnds on next Saturday afternoon. Commissions issued nnder past Ministers of the Hawaiian gor ernment eipire, by limitation, on Sept. lst. Tbe bktne Irmganl, Captain Scbmidt, arrived in port hero yestenlay afteruoon 17 days from Sau Francisoo. Lee Tong a well known haekmnn has been arrested on a charge of assault on Gideon West. A dispute over some bnsiness matter was the cause of the affray. It is stated tbat J. Franklin Rrowu, tbe noted mind-reader and bypnotist, will visit Honololu in tbe near futurc. Mr. Brown is reportod to be possessed of wonderful powers. The members of the Boards of Registration are reported to be nearly all fprostrated from overwork. A oonpU of bundred gorernment employeos bave registered as voters. There is no necessity any longer to eall on you» neighboor for “a little paro i>oi. M Riug up your telephone and eall “Mnlual” 5i7 or “BeU" 345. and W. L. WiIcox will furnisb you with U»e hoaltby stnff in any qnanfity to suit. Try a poi cocktail.