Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 July 1894 — What Is He? [ARTICLE]

What Is He?

We called the attention of the authoritios to an outrage whieh was oomiuittcd a few days ago when a young Uawuiian was aecosted and stopped at the point of a revolver by a fellow who domand- ■ ed to know what the young man ! carried in a bag. The Hawaiian together with two friends had . beeu out fishing and was return- i ing homo with fish and lines etc. j in a bag. Ho refused to be bull- ; dozed by the brigand who pretonded to be « polieemau and laid a complaint with the poliee , iho followingday. Upon inquiry it was loarned that the midnight marauder wns u man named ! Langleye who seems to be a pet of the Americau League and who ' forraerly was a s|H>cial officer. • He was arrested yesterd«y and ; relea8ed on $500 b«i! furnished I by “Tim’ Murray. Tlie caso will be tried tomorrow. and it will theu perhaps be learned by what i right a prirate indiridual takes j upou himself the po!icing of the i towo. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm