Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


The Leo Tongcnse will be l tomorrow. The llepohliean party i this eveuing. Tho Ka I*o is indu1ging alleged £uglish eolumu. The Holomua is always h to see Dr. McGrew around. The Hoogs excursion io volcauo will be largoly p uized. There is no truth in the r of tbe resignation of clerk hill from the station houso. Arthur White whs eomin to the Circuit Court on a el of assault with a deadly we) The funeral of Mr. Chas. \ er took plaee yesterday aftei from the residence of Mi - . Athorton. Jdudolph Spreckels *‘Fr! and Bluxome left for Sau cisco on the Alameda yeate They will all return. Doa’t lorgot the “Oeea ou Saturday uight. D. M. < ley, the onergetic manager give the town a snri>rise j J. A. Magoon has resigu an iuspector of tho Repub rogistratiou board. Evid tbe learned attorney cot