Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 July 1894 — HAWAII’S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]


C0NSTITUT10N and LAWS Framed bv the Missionaries. LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. RESPECTING THE XEW MEETI!ft.i 0F THE NOBLES On the first day of Apnl, in the year ont thousami eight * hundrtd and fr»iy-one. (he Xohles met al Lnaeku, in Lahaina according to the Teguiremtnt of the Cons(iiution , and ufterv.urd three persons eame forioard hy the people, and joined the eouneil ofthe Xohles. Al this eouneil several alterations trere made in the existing laics, and several new laws enacted. • The changes in the old laioe ax*' as/cHJows: . s ; I. LAW 0F TAXATIOS. In re!aiion to all la\rs on taxatiou it is enactod, tbat wbenever fbe Governor sball perceive tbat any man sutfers on acconnt of the anjast boaring of a partieular law it sball then be tbe duty o( the Governor to free the man in accordaneo witb strict justice, and not enforce that particular pbrase of tbe law. 2. OF MEN WHO VIOLATE THE LAW. Wheu a man is condemued to work for tbe government according to law, tbo land may elaim tbe Ubor of tbe men belonging to tbeir lands on tboir working days. . But tbe best way is for tbe man wbo bas tbe cbargo of tbe pnblic labor to keep account of tbe 1abor days whieh the land agent bas a rigbt to elaim, and tben lek tbe eeiminal first work tbe government portion of tbe time, and afkerwards tbat of tbe Iand ageut. 3. THE TIME OF PATIHO TAXēS. Tlie following \vords shall be inserted in Cbapter III. Sec, 1. page 25; “From tbe first of October to tbe end of December.” 4. 0F transiext laborer§. Transient persons who have regular daily eraployment shall nok go to the Tuesday labor of the King, bnt all transient persons who bave not regular daily labor, mast go. 5. 0F SHOAL FISH. From tbe eigbtb section of the third cbapter of tbls law, whieh is found on thirty-eigbth page, certain words shall be erased. as follows; (“If in snflSeient qoantities to fill two or more eanoea, bnt not so small a quantity as to fill one eanoe only.) The transient shoal fish spoken o( in this law are, 1 The Aknle, 2 Tbe Anaeholo, 3 The Alalanwa. 4 The Uhnkai, 5 The Kawelea. 6 The Kawikawa. 7 The Kalakn. These kinila of fish shall be divided eqaally, whenever they arrive at these islands, or wbenever they drift aloog. 6. OF DUTIES laid by i.and AGENT8 on the F1SH op the people. On tbe 27th page. Cbapter tbird, Section eight, read khoa; "The people of other lands shall give to the landlord one tbird of the fisb tbns takeu on said land. 7. OF PUBLIC LABOB 0N P.AINI DATS. lf it rains moeh on tbe King’s labor day, so as todarken the beavens, tbeu it sball be improper to labor, let the tabor cease as the amount of rain sball reqnire, at tbe King’a loss, or the Und agent’s as the case may be. But if tbe rain be trifijng, sncb a.s not to interfere witb Ubor, then it ahall eoniinuo, and only tbose who are weak and benambed sball return. But if the people prefer to leave the vork entirely, and work on one of their own days, tbat too shall be proper. 8. OP LABOE FAJnLlES. lf any tenant of a land bave a number o( cbi1dren, so that he is freed from taxakion, tben his Undlord sball not be called on to pay on bis acconnt. The taxes ahall be diminisbed according to the nnmber of working men. 9. OE THE PrNISHMENT OF F18HERMKN. Ib the third Chapter, eighk aeeHon, page 37th, khe followings words are enaed,V'For heo >jears he ehall not fish at aU on any nshing ground." The folloving words shall aUo be inserted in their plaee; “lf he take one fish criminally he shall pay fi\e, and al«ays at that rate. And if a eanoe full be Uken five eanoea (nli shall be paid, according to the amoont taken, evea to the Urtbest extent.” (Signed ) KAM EHAMEHA III KEKAULUOHI. (To Be Co*H*ued.j