Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


No afternoon. There are severRl opportnnities presented to visit th« chnrches tomorrow. The Naiional Band bovs are practising for a *‘sarprise’ party. in the near fotnre. The Mannerchoer Club raeet tonight in the p>arlore of the Paeific Hutel for practice. The steamer W. G. Hall bronhgt 1213 bags sogar, 17 bags coffee, 28 head cattle, 30 bogs and a lot migcetlancons mdse. The schooner Aloha. C«ptain Dabel sailed for San Francisco this raonrning with a amall cargo of sagar. The band will give au opon air concert at Emma Sqnare this afternoon commencing at 4:30 o’eloek. Everj’body is invited. Do not forgetthat tbe tbnlling drama Oeeaniea will hold tbe boards at the Hawaiian Opera House this evening. Popular prices. Admiral Walker has recovered frora his trials aud tribnlations. induced by several boils,and has gone on a short visit to Wai- j maualo. Arthur Johnstone, the editor of the Star is openly charged with beiug the fabricator who fills the S. F. Chronide with migstatements of Hawaiian affairs. The great Republican rally, programme for last night gave opportunity for the gathering together of monarchists as indicated by the many Portuguese and Germans present The Baseball League people stato tbat Ihe Crescent Club has withdrawn frora the League, and a docision had not been reached relative to the rest of the games booked for the soason. Two vossels with, combined cargoes of 2842 tons of eoal are now eu route for this port from Newcastlo NS. W. Five other vessels were chartered to load for here at the same port and would receive dispatch. The poliee boat was the means of trausit used by a deserting seamanof the departing schooner Aloha, to reach the shore ngain this moruing. lteward of 110 was offered for his capture, but tho vessel left without him. The “weed whieh soothes" is obtainable at the corner of Merchant and Fort Streets in the very best qualities. Hollister A Co. oarry the finesl brands of cigars in the country. CigaretUs! —well smoke them per guardian. Mr. Creighton the attorney of Lee Tong, in the assault case, whieh was tried in the District Court this morning made the astonishing statemeut that he never had robbed any body except professionally; not even a '‘feather” had been taken by tbe virtuous lawyer, .» v The oelebrated Yiavi remedies for aale at 109 King atreet are becoming known through out the World for their wonderful cureative propriety’s and hope is entertained that they wiH cure Leproay. Lectures will be given every Monday afternoon at Harmony Hall, King street, at 3 o’eloek. Admission free. Tbe new premises of Benson and Smith on the corner of Hotel and Fort street« are very handsomely finished. The store wonld do credit to any large city in America or Europe. The outside painting of the atore waa done by £. C Rowe the well - knowa master painter. Edward Towse a late arrivs4, formerly connected with the Star, isuow the cbairman of a Board of £xaminers who are privileged to franchise or ditfrancbiseold rea- % idents. F. I. Cotter is added to fill ihe vacanoy made by tbe resignation of J. A. Magoon.