Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

! The FRANK L. H006S’ Personallv Conducted Excnrsion to the Volcano. LEAVING ON THE KINAU FRIDAY, AUG. 3, 1894, AND RETURNING • TO TOWN ON SATURDAY, EIGHT OAYS LATEB. Some people who e’aim to know all »bo’t it are of the opinion that the Crater’s present great state of activ;ty may not last over two mon‘h 9, and then it raav drop out of s;ght altogether, If this story should turn out to be correct, there would be hundreds of peop.e in this city who would regret lhat they al!owed an oppv>rtunity to visit it go by, \\by not go now? The Stearaer Kinau will leave on Friday, August od, with an Exo ,, rs!on Partv on boand —another ehaneeol the same kind msv nol present itse!f for a Iong tirae, and you are sure to erjoy the trip. A ticket will you $50. whieh includes hote!s and tran?portation. Nou will never f>rget your first sight of the Great - Burning Lake, and without see:ng it vou will remain in the dark as to its appearauce, as no pen ean do it justice. The trip is a most enj*»yab!e one; you spend a day or so in the £eauttful town of Hilo; you traverse the \oloino Road with its wealth of tropioai foliage, and when you reach the \oicano Houae you wiil say that the trip, so far, is of the memorable order. But this is uotbing compared to the awfui splendor of the Crater; there is nothing like it in this earth. Read ihe Advertiser ol Monday, July 23rd. and get an idea of what awaits you high up in ihe mountains of Hawaii. j}'26 P. 0. Box 480. Muīual TelepHone 245. The Cheapest Plaee on*the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Furnitnre IS AT THE CORNER OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X jy» * L Honolulu H. L AT TI1E Oeeaniea) ofera hodse — ox Saturday Eve, July 28. \ (lElli/ the ilaw’ū Messeūger Service L. M. Johnson, Manager Mnlual Trt 599 Bell Tel 55» OFFICE in MASOXIC Bl*ILDISG 0F THRILLING INTEREST. Portraying the Erents connected with the Disooverr of these Ialands by Capt. Jatnes Cook, B.N., sq<1 the Death af the !ntrepid Navigator, oompiled from Reliable and Oneinal Anthontiea by D. M. Crowley, Anthor of the Wooing of Kaala. Specal Scenery, Costnmes and Effecta. OOEANICA will be Performed by a Company of Well Trmined (Hawaiian and Foreign) Ledies and Gentlemen Amateurs, Bor plan now open at L. J. Lerey's. REMEMBER, SATURDAY. JULY 29ra. jy!8 Dong Branch -8ATH)WGE8tabilshment. This First-Class Bitbing R*āort has beeo enlarged and is now open to the puhlie, It ia tbe brst piaee 00 tbe islands to enjoy a Batb. and there ia no better oiaee to !ay off. Specal accommodations for Ladies. Tramcars psss the d n>r every half hoor. and on Saturday8 acd 8undays every fifleen minutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, j?24 Proprietor. CHALLENGE! M Having heard that tht owner» of Jokmar Hsrward tn aaxtons to thc hone Nerada. 1 berrt«r cb»Umgr Jok«ar HaTwanl to a Mstdi Rac< or«r the Kaoioiani Race Ti*ek OS SATL RD.VY, 8epteaber bt, XSM. MiW heaK bw» 5 in 5: or two aiie heala. best ita 5, to ianm, sod ra(es of N. T. A_. for 8500 or 91900; balf 10 bepUced as £orfeh. m slgnlag wMMal Ihle ChaUenm wiU WMh Om CNT1L MONDAT. Jaly 90.19M, uUn. Hone aad Monry u> beb«wlat CLUB 8TABUn. We are prepared to farnish anilorm«d mes sen2»T» at all hoan. Promptoc»s and «atistiction 2turanteed. Vou ring ns np and we wlll do thc rest. H»urly ratcs 40 eents. For distance rate» •ee Meeaenieep» Map. jy5 Sm TO L£T or LEAME. Ahouse on King Street next to T. B. Walker*s premis« containing perlor, dining room apd tbre« bedn>ocDs, be«idee kitchen bethrouffl st ibiea and all modern eoneenienee.a—Iately occnpi«d by Mr. Bnsbee. Bentmoderatetoreepunsibl«party. Ad<ire*e jyl6 ABRAHA« FERNANDEZ. D4V1D DAYTON, Agent to Take Acknowledgments. Will Attcod tn Management apd Salo of Prop«rty—Collection in All Its Branches. Office No 42 Mercbant Street; Mulual Telephone 380. jy23 Femandes & Gomes WUOLE3ALE — California Winea and 8pirlts, No. 502 Fort 3t., Honolulu, H. I. P. 0. Box 436. Mutu«l Te!e. 140. * Wlif 8las ChMn* N0 aeo NUUANL sTREET. HONOLULU 3^exctb,a>xit Xailox A fioe M8ortn««ut of Araerioan, Engli*h aiid 80 tch Cl»tb* on k»li g - d w< rk <od a F1RST CLASS fit g« ran>erd Ctothese««cldu <k repe red jy71m