Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H\w\\\ holomu^, 13 PUBLISHED Kverv A.fternoon EXCEPT 3CNDAT BT TKS Holoaua Fublishing Co. At King St (Thomas block), Honolulu, H. I. im *» SUBSCSIPTI02T t pwMonili, 50 0U. Th« p*p«r is d«lirered by Camers in the town ana «nbarbi. Singl« Copie« for S«le »t iūc N«wg De*lers *nd at the Offloe of pnblic*tion. 3 I EDHUND N0RRIE, • • Editor GEORGE E. SMITHIES - Manager PsOTICE. All Bn«nes« Commun1cfttion« «hoohi be - *ddrcs8ed to George E Smithies Honoluin, H. I. Oonwponaenee and Oommunications lor fnblication shonld be addressed to the £ditor [awaii Holomua. No noiioe will be p«id to any anonjTnous commanications. Business Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD, Attorney aml Coanselor at Law, C Oliiee, 8ito of the 01d Bethel— West Corner of King and Bethel Streets. j>’ 21 A. P. PETERSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offloe: 113 Kaahumanu Stroet, Honoluln Uawaiian Ialand*. CHARLES CREIGHTON. 1 attornet at law. Offlce: 113 Kaahumann Street, Honolnlu Uawaiiau lslands. paul neumann, attorney” at LAW'. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. « ■ CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND CX)CN8ELL0R AT LAW. Offlc«. 01d Cepitol Building, (Honolulū Hale), adjoining Po«t Offlce, Honolulu. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY at LAW, No. 15 Kaahumann St., Honoluln, Hawaiian l3lands. H. F. BERTELMANN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, 86 King SL, Bell Telephone 107. F. H. REDWARD. CONTRACTOR aio» EUH^EK, No. 506 King Street, Honolnlu. Hawaiian Islands. A. S. MEDEIROS & CO.. >I©rcliant Tailoi-s. Amenean, Engli»h and 8ootch Tweeda on hand. Fw»t-cla«e work gnaranteed. Hotel 8L, under Ariington Uotel, Honolulo jy 17-Imon. CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING and BETHEL St. CAlRRIAGES, AT ALL HOCB8. Both Teiephone« No. 113. J. 3. ANDRADE, Manager. june PACIFIC 8AL00N, Comtr King and Nuuanu Steeet», EDW. WOLTEB Uanager. Th« FiBMt eeleenon o t LIQUOJtt» , and pggR, aold anywbef* in the lown. Fint-riaaa at!ccdecce. CaO and judg* lor yonrwtf. ****• icjunese C0MPANY, Both TkLEPBOXE«: Haek Sund. Coraer Kin* and Maunakea Streeta. Haek* at All Houn. Jy37