Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BRUGE CARTWRICHT n - I Bosioess of • FidncivnaK»tn rv Tnz»Kt(d. . ! Prompt *UentioB girenTo tht maaapemeni of Erttate»i, G nanliaoahipM, Tm»t« «tc.. «tf., etc. Oīficts, : C<x.ixcright Buildin>j, Merchant Street. Honelnhi H, MAY & Co.. |Tea Dealers, | Coffee Roasters ANI) i Provision | Merchants 98 Fort Sireet, - Honoluln | Families, PIantations aml Ships supplied with choicest European &Amcrican Groccries California Produce by Every Steamer. i\lerchant Exchange Corner King aua Nuuann Streets. S. I. S H AVV.... Proprietor. The Finest aeiection of LIQUORS and B£ER, soid anywhere in the town. First-class attendance. Call and jndge foryoarsell. no 113—tf. LEWIS & C0. Wholesale and Retail Gro AND PEOVISION DEALERS. . » FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE ! By Every 8an Francisoo 8teamer Salt Salmon in Barrels A SrECIAJTT. izi Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240 , p O. Box 297. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mcluerny Block. JOBBERS OF WINE8, and SPIRITS tfIdTOI$ paViIioq ITotel and Bethel Sts WMWf«r2W«fe On acconnt of departare for Waiauae with Phonograpb, jy » 1. A: VlCTOR, Prop'r. plaiional Iron Woi^ QrfiEN Street, Betwoen Alakea & Richard Sts rlE UNPERSIL5NED are prepazed to aiake «11 kiads of Iroa Bms, Bronse, Zin«, Tin and Lead Caatang». Alao Repair Shop for Stau& Eaaiooa, Bioe Miik, Corn Milk, W»to Wheeia. \Vind Milh. ete. Maehinee for the Oe*ciag of Coffee. Castor OUa, Beus, Hamie, S*m»1, Le*re* £ other Fihroua PUnts And Paper Stock Al*o M«chine« for Extmet2ag SUrch tnm M Manioe, Arrow Boot, eie. XT A& Onkn pcoosptly >MewUd to. WHITE, RITMAN €t CO.