Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Holokua growing ! Th«» Coancils inay meet tomonow aftemoon. J. J. >Villiams is now a partner iu a looal advortising agency. I*otatoe8 aro l>ecoraing a prominonl j>rotlnct of the islau«.l of MauL Purser lieckley of the steanier Kinau is tbauked for tbe usual news favors. Tbo polieo, and some otber pooj>lo in Governmont employ. were paiil otf yestenlay. Tho mannorchoir will meet to-uight at the usual quarters. A full atteudance is requeste<l. Collectors of JelayeJ jwymeute on uncongeuial “Williame" are verv numerous in town at present. Ther« ar« good proaj>ecte of the Amateur Athletic club sending in a base-ball team to the League. The brithday of tbo younger son of Mr Alfred Mossmann was duly celebrated yesterday afternoon. The business of the First Circuit Court of Oahu is set for commonceraent on the 6th in§t, next Monday. The National Band gave a eomplimontary concert at tbe residence of Her Majesty. yesterterday morning. Mr. W. Wolters is acting ConhuI of the Austro-Huugarian Empiie during the absence of Mr. T. F. HackfelJ. Mr. H. Fooke will, dnring the abscnce of Mr. J. F. Hackfeld, perfonn the dutiea of acting eonsul for Belgium. Mn>. Hauiel Logan. the wife of ihe editor of the Bvdl*tin, is at preaeut su(fering from a severe attack of la grippe. The bark 11. P. Bitbet arriwed off port ihia afternoon from 8an Francisco. Oalma were the caose of the long passage.