Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


: Tbe board of ex»miners will meei at Fort Street School to- . j njorrow morning for the pnrpo»e of examining teachers. 5 | j Jack” is booke<l a« one of the out-going passengera by the «teamer Arawa. Can J the Conncils spare him ? The “personally conducted” . | trip to the Volcano, by the 1 steamer Einan, is billed anJ occur Friday next, at 2 pm. sbarp. The steamer Arawa is fully dne from the Colonies toda)'. She » j will bave but a short stay iu port i here before departure for Van j couver. > • It is rcported that tue work of ) bush-clearing a!ong the line of ; the proposed railroad extension ' from Ewa, will be commenced to i day. 5 I The “Union Art Gallerv" is f I J i I now open to patrons and the sub- ] jects placed on view in the*«doon - j compriso tbe works of raany uoted ; artist«. If numbers and applause prove popular feeling then the Nalional . Band boys had nn ovation frora the people, at the concert last (evening. > The Board of Educ«tiou ia i crippled by the absence of the , president at the Volcano, aod the illness of a leading voter with la fjripf>e. k I .. ■. ■— Deputy-postmaster Kenake is 1 preparing himself and assistants i | to tackle a heavy mail by the O. ; S. S. Monowai, due here tomori 1 row. \ Mr. E. Suhr will discharge tbe i ! functions of acting vice-consul 1 j for Kussia, and acting consul for 1 Gerraany, during the abseuce of ; ! Mr, J. F. H»ckfeld. The managers of tbe Base Ball Leagne, do not seem to be equal ; to tbe occasion in providing a game between clubs on next i j Saturday afternoou. As previously horoscoped, by the Holomua, information is now obtained that the Board of j Heallh will not moet today; tbis [ 1 is the secoud omission. . Tbe effect of old Sol on suffer- . ■ ing humanity, is made noticeable by the oft-oxpressed query of ; “Isn’t it hot to<lay.” The trade winds are now more zephyrs. Smith’s bosses are being largei ly patronized not alone on their ; regular route, bnt by pieuie parties aud others, who desire eheap nnd comfortable conveyi ances for excarsions. The halloon ascension at Col , Jim Sherwood’s bathing establishment was a porfect success and the balloon was recovered ' without injury. A second ascensiou is noted for next Satnrday j hfteruoon. Frank L. Hoogs annōunces that ; if ten persous accompany him, ion the excursion party, the Hawaiian Quartette will go along. ; This ought to be good news to i people who enjoy music aml a j 1 good time generally. The osual reaotion, from over- j exertiou, is noticeablo in iheana- , penaion of the popular “p«per 1 chase.” Just when the participants were beginning to know tbe game well tbe osaally tropic«l apatby set in. The well-known trotterJohnny Hayward will be sold at action tomorrow noon by L. J. Levey. An eieelleni ehanee is here otfered to aeonie a very yalnable animal. Honolnlu sportsmen wiil turn ont in fult force. Admiral Walker gave the of£cers acd men of the XI. & FIagship Philadelpbia an insigbt into j > his ideas of naval diaciplin», and | rcqnirements, by means of in- j epeeiion held by him peraonally. The tour o{ iuspection is reported to bare lasted from morning untii evening, and waa ol great beoefit to both officera and men.