Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — From The Volcano. [ARTICLE]

From The Volcano.

The following ladies and gentlemen airivcd back by the ste.imer Kinuu, from a trip to the Volcano, viz: Mrs. C. L. Carter, Mrs. J. W. M. Cardoza and maid, Misses Ada Jones, K. li. Harris, Hunt, Brown, Anuie Forbes, Man’ Leleo, Camara, Fernandez, Ferreira, and Messrs. Bismarck, J. J. Staterand “Jack” Atkinson. I Benson, Sraith & Co. druggists have now arranged their excelleut and complete stock in their elegant store corner of Hotel and Fort streets. Everytbing in their line oan be found there, and the former patronage of the firra will uudoubtedly be continuedand increased in its uew quarters.

Mrs. W. Liahman left this afternoon on tbe S. C. Allen for San Francisco. Many friends were present at tbe wbarf to bid ber good-bye. Tbo steamer Monowai is due bere tomorrow from San Francisco. Her arrival will be the means of thronging the Oeeanie wbarf with a large crowd of people anxious to leam tbe latest news from the “laud o’ strikes.’' A ielephone post ou tbe southeast corner of Beretania and Fort streets, from its very rottenness, toppled over, yesterday. Superintendant Cassidy was not ' long in discovering the break and making substantial repairs. During this warra weatber, the existing drougbt causes crowds of tbirsty residents to take advantage of happy Harry’s servioes and indulge in two eool. sparkling, glasses of £nterprise Beer, for one quarter. See Pantheon Saloon ad. The Kinau arrived this morn- • ing from Hilo and way porta, bringing 26 oabin and 64 deck | pa.ssengers. Her cargo consisted of 10,286 bags sngar, 30 bales wool, 17 bdls hides, 220 sacks potatoes and 337 pkgs miaeellaneons merchandise. Mr. Henry X. Castle has purcbased t«o loU at Waikiki from £. S. Cunha. It is reported that a first class temperanoe hotel ; «ill be started by the enterprising newspaper man and neigh- | bor Cunha. It *dl be specially devote<l to high-class tonrists snoh as c!ergymen and otber sohool-marms. — |TT* If YoiR HOBsK 08 DvG is aiek seud them at one to 20o King Street The only Veter inary Sofirmary in the Eepuhlio folly aqorpped «ith modern appennoae and akillNU atiendants. augl-lm