Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I MACFARLANE k C0. f rkalers in lVines and Spirits KmUmmii Street, Hoaolnle. H. E. McINTTKE & BRO., Gbocebt, Fzed Stobe A Bakebt, Corner of 1 Ring and Fort Sts., Honolulu J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLCMBER, GA8.FTĪTEB 30PPEB-SMITH, ' House and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honolnla. Db. MeLENNAN, Fort Street, above HoteL MuUial Telephone 6S2. f«»r offlce; 287 lbr residence. jy28 Dr. AT€HERLET, 1 1 >1. B. C. 8. (Eng.)L. R. C. P. (Lond.) Hasrf,movedtooffice formekly occopied by Dr. Foote, Corxer of Ptnthbowl amj Bkkctanīa 8treets. Mnt. 234. B*-U 84 L Jn29Dn LEWIS J. LEVEY, Keal Estate and General Auctioneer. CoruerJFort aud Qnecn Stre«t0, Honolnln Personal attention given to Sales of Fnrnilure, Real Estate, Stock aud Genernl Merchandise. Tcl#ohone 238 II. LOSE, Notarv l^uLIie. Collector and General Business Agcni. Patcntee of Loses Ohemioal Compound for Clarifying Canc Juice. Sicb-Agent for several of the Best FIRE IN8URANGE COS. Mntn*l l’elephone s. P. 0. Box 333. Merchaut street, Honolnln. “FAT BOY.” BAY H0RSE5i? SAL00N I P. MelNEENA', Prophietor, i Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Cornek Bethel akī> Hotel 8ts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WRIGHT. Propkiktor, (8uoce»sor to G. West). ( , ‘AKHIAGE BLTLDING akd REPA1RING. L AU 0rU* r< from thc 0ther Tsl»nds in the > C»rri»ve Bui!ding. Trimmlng »nd Paintlng ! Hne »ill Meet witb Prompt Attention. HUokmilhine in AU It* V»riou!> Br»nches ! Done. P. O. Box M. KM> *nd 180 ; Fort 8treet. jyI9 Iy W. S. LUCE I Wine and Snirit Mercliant Campbell Fire-proo/ Block, MERCHANTST. HOKOLULU. CflIXESE 0HW6E C0MPAXY, 335 Both Tklkphoxks 335 Haek Stand, Corner King and Maunakea Stre«ta. Hacks at All Boura. jy27 Anchor-:-Saloon Ex *AUSTRAL1A,” Anotlier Invo»ce of the World Renowned FREOERICKSBURG LAGER BEER On draagbt and by the keg. Also, as a Speoialty, Small Fresh Caufornia 0YSTERS. FOH COCKTjAIJLS j mayl 3ms '