Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — Virtually Disfranchised. [ARTICLE]

Virtually Disfranchised.

I — • • 1 ( A corresj)omlent icqmres uow J he ean lieeome qoalified to vote for representatires. I nder the new constitntion. be can’t qualify ; at all. To vote, it is neoesaary to l>e a citizen, a den;zen, or, a i holder of a special certificate. As oar corresj>ondent has not served the j* g he cannot get a certifi- i cate. As he does uot belong to the inner cirde of the family compact, he will not get letters of denization, and the only . ehanee for him is to heeome a ; citizen, and that he cannot do. i He was uot nataral:zed preTioos to Januarv, 18D3, and the n*turalization law is fixed so be*ntifully that no d alien ean become a citizen of Hawaii. According to Article 1* of the so-called eonstitution “nntorHlizntion of aliens ahall be eiclusively wilhin the jurisdictiou of Ihe Justices of the Sapreme Court. I'he jirocedure iliall be such a may be provided by law. As no law has been j*assed, there is no procedure. Section ō of the same article says. that “he shall be a citizen or subject of a conntry i having expre*« treaty stipulations with the Hepuhlie of Hawaii conceruing naturalization ’’ No conntry has any treaty yet witlr the “ Ropublic of Hawaii’’ as • the said rcpublic hasu t been i recognized and no expre»* stipula- | tions concerning naturalization. For these reasons alone our friend ; will see how iraj*ossible it is for | him to becorae a citizen, and as | his political symjiathies are against the government, he would i under all circnmstances be barred ; by Soction 6. whieh says, that he ahall be of ‘good rnoral character.’ Aa it has been araply jiroveu that in tho eyes of the Supreme Court the moral character is awfully j bad of all and everybody oppos‘ j ©d to the governraent it will be seen how fruitless it will be for anybody to. present j bimsolf l>eforē the triumvirate , whieh holds the civil rights of all citizens in their hands.