Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — Memories Of Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

Memories Of Hawaii.

Mr. Juiias A P*ImerJr.. Ihe ppeeial corres|H>m2eDt of ihe Da.ilu E>tning Trnn*o'iiA, haa pab!isbed a rer>' interesting book in whieh be relates to bis memories of llawaii. TLe author Tisitetl tbese islaruls a sbort while ago ami gained ampie opportunities to renJer af»ir jadgement of Hawaii and thepoliticaI situation bere—>nd be has dono so. He aasociated witb prominent members of the different parties, and bis great experience as a writer and student of Luman nature enabled him to s:zo up the leaders in Hawaiian politics in afirstclass manner. Tbe volume whieh eomprises 138 pages ia written in tbe lively style,pecaliar tothe aatbpr, and w ill be fouud of interest to all who desire to know how others seo ns. Mr. Julius A. P«lmer Jr. is to be congratulated npon bis soccess as a describer of Hawaiian aff »irs, and we shall take pleasure to notice his book iu a future issue.