Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — The Jubilee Concert. [ARTICLE]

The Jubilee Concert.

Tlte programo>e for tbe jubilee copcert to l>e given tomorrow eveniog at tbe Hotel bas now been finally arranged. Profesaor Berger, altbougb the celebrant of tbc day will conduct the band in yro]*ria /*r«ma has »elected tbe following programme: PABT 1. • •E.4M,. 1. Marcb—“Tbt Hawaiian (newi Berger 2. OTtrtor«—“WilliAm Tell“ Bc«*im vannck/:hor uu»t. 3. a.“BankettLider - Staaz h ‘*Der T*g Herz ' Kreou«r r. 9. «. >HILa: £LfH:i «A>D. 4. Selectkin—“Kobin Hood“.. De Koeen 5. Walu — “On ihe Monnuūna*. Kaalieh HAWAIl*3C QCi VTKTTE CLCB. 6. a “Like no a Like' - (6) “Kinipo Hoonipo e ke Aloha’’ (e) 4 ‘Alo'ia Oe, Aloha Oe” PABT II. BY THE COMBI>ED BANW. |7. Marrh —“Tnc U. S. S. Phila<lelphia’ Berger 8. Over:nre—“The Light Cava!ry'' Suppe 9. SeIection —“Keoolleetk)n.s of 4 the War” Beyer 10. Marcb—“ Washington Post’’ Sonza “Tbe Star Spangle<i Binner." “ilaaaii Pouoi.”