Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — The Commission. [ARTICLE]

The Commission.

Messrs Widemann, Farker aml Oummina lost not time in San j Francisco but proccded on their voyage to Washington the day after their arrival. Dispatches wero sent to Mr. Gresham and Mr. BIount in regard to tlieir ' mission and answers were receiv- i ed from both, Mr. Blount wired : I that he wouhl leave Georgia in time to meet Ihe' commission in Wasbington wliere he will ofler thera all possibIe assistmce, aud i Mr. Grcsham siinply wired to * thera to go on. The preseace of the coramisaiou in Washington will undoubtedly bring tho Hawaiian question to a clim«x. The object, we understand, is to obtain a defiuite auswer as to the present iuten tions of the administration. If I the presence of the commission bas no other result it will un - doubtedly tend to prevent the reccgnitiou of the present olig- i arcby, « fact whieh will be mora j damaging to 44»« «nnoxationists ; than it will to the loyal people. : While the commissioners will * hardly be able to «rrive here be- ; fore Sept. 3tb on the Ohina. it is possible that the result of their | mission will be made known to 1 qs by the Ausiralia, due here on ! the llth inst.