Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Pro2ramme of BICYCLE MEET To be H« i On Saturday, Aug. 11th KAPIOI.AM PAKK, 2:30 p.m. sh«rp C1TY DRAYAOE CO. Stand: and Fort Stre«t9. WhHe and BIsck Sand. Dr»ying lV»ne at Re**-«n«ble Rates. W r SU.\RRFTT. Mium. MACHINE MADE POI! FACT0RV, : : KALIHI. 1— Oae ILle D*»h. opea; Goid Medai. 2— Mik Dish. aoTke; Sīh«T Medal. 3— One Mik Da»K ofea; S*Der XedaL 4— Oae Hali Mile Ihuh, boy» uneW 15 rr\n: S»lT«r Meilah»; an;i *econJ, 5— One MiV Da»h. epen; G«>ld MedaL Oae MUe Dash. thxv« miaate da«; Sī1t« Med*l. 7—Thrte tj«*ner Mile Dti»h. open; Gvhi Medal. i—One Mīle Detth, norice; Silrer Me«iak. Eeiianee Fw for R*ce» Noe. 1,5 inil >, $1.50; ail others. eobanoe $1. VII Entries to Close ON MONDAT. Ang. t»th. 12 noon. «t tbe office of H. E. W *!ker, Merchant Street, Henolalu. Genertl AAmianon, *>0 cU; Gr*n<l Sutwl. e\in, 25 cts; Qu*rter Stretih Biulges. $2.00 eaeh; C*rriages. iin»i<le of r*e»coniv«-s $2.50. irUnited Carriage Company, M. REIS S J.C.QUINN ■290 ; T0 THK PūBLIC:-U you »rv Ihinkine «bout shopping, r»Uing or t*kinij in tbe sights, rinij up 2A>. wnere you ean obt»in anrst-ctaa» carriaeewlth elegmnt hor»e» aod » civll Jrirer, or if you choo*e to drivo yonrself, we ean accommodate you with styli»h Bu»:iries. Phaelon#, Surrie* and \V«gouette«. We have f<>r Utery hor>es thc hnest ro»dj>t<>rs in the Kepuhlle. ’ Our Uvery horses comi>rise some of thc well-known n.>adster», sach »s I Uie Gr*y-eagie, White-»wan, Priuce llenry, Abadella, Koanoke, Lady Templeton. Stercwhipper and other»; a chiid ean drive any ol | these horscs, bnt it takes a Kansas cyclone u> ( pas» one of tbem on the road. For farther j particular». ring up 'J90, or eall at onr stand j and otfice neit to t. O. Hall * Son. jy X. JhaD. e ROWE. House Sign and Oinamenial Fainter. Manufacture <>f Liquid SIatmg. 620 King Street. augl Taro PUnts, Fresh Tops »nd Raw T*ro at ali times. Ring Up Mutu«l Te!ephooe 577. BeII 3+5, W. L. WILCOX. jy25 Manager. RING CP MCTCAL TELE 3Ii. NIEPER S Baggage Expresa. t>*ce. ih* Fort St,, Hoaololu. H. I B*gg.»ge «nd Furniture C«refullv H»ndled and Delivered at Short Noliee to All Parts of the C:tr. StanJ on Cor. of Fort A 0 -leen St«. irs gm~ POSTPONED Auction Sale of lliee Pluntntntion at Waikiki>kai. In persuan<-e of in»tru.-tion» fpom ‘U> SCN of Ewa, DUn<i of Ikahu. M, l, tb« m.>rtgagee namnl in a Chattle Mortuairc. e\ecuted l>y CHEONG KIM TAl. dai.M iKt . »> l*a2. »nd reconl«d in LiKr l.'.i, r>7-\ 1 »hal) »«U t» thc hifbe«t hiddrn »t auelion. at my Sai<» Koom. Honoluln. on S.\TCHl> \T Ihe 4th day of Auf., at 12 o’eloek n>H>u. the follo*inc pn>perty. vlr: The Rice PUnlalioii, km>*;i a» ihe l b> »n»r Kim Tai, the Yee Hop Co'. Planla* tion, at Waikiki-kai. Honoinln. includīnf ail leaae» of Und» embraced therein, on whieh are dwclUnf hou#e. outh. ;-. - lhre-*h,r.£ floor and e<piipment» of a weU oomluoieU rio planlaUon; aI»o all the implemonl» >1 cult»vation, hor»e». wagon, «tc. A schedule o( U»‘ lea»e* and other prt>pertv concerned may be seon at tbe oHloe >f C. A»hfori>, Attornev for the Mortga<et Torm* of S*Ie, Cash. Deeds at e*pen»e of pnrcha#er. L. -I. Levey, Auc!iimerr. The abovc saie U po»tp<->ned to Aagn»t 4»h. by order ol C. W. ASHFORO, Att»n< M»rtgafee. T. B. Murray <9 Is V 4*t to Im* Koiinil On tho Olil Hlaml, ,\o. 11 iiiiig Nl.—-IIis Riisiii4‘ss us CARRIAGE AND p|U’ \ I 1 4’1’P [mM>y in COKXEB uK Nuuanu aud Beretania Strtet». 561 r~ Both TeLephonks;-> 561 G00D, RELIABLE ahd jy27 tf Cl\TL DRIVERS. Muwal Tel. »6& P. O. Box 158. WING WO TA1 & CO., No. 15 Ncv*!«r Sr«BKT H< s*lvlc, H. I.. Commission Merchants, —lMPOKTER.'« ASb Dealzrs IX— Generai Merchandise. Fine Maniia Clgar«..Chine«e an i Japane*e Crockeryware. Mattinc*. Va»e» of »11 kfnda. Camphorwood Trunk», KaUan Chair» A Fioe Aseortment of Dr> s» SUk*. Choice»t Braods of ehineae and Japane»e T<as of Late»t Importations In*peetion o/Xnc GoodJjrttptft/m Uy toliriUd. jn!y«. When thu ‘ PEOPLE8’ P ARTY ’ gets snuu»hecl he will bc rcady to REPAIR. PAINT AND TR1M IT At a Reasouable Figure. — No £xtra Cbargo for Furuisbing tbem witb Commou Sense. LET them bing up MUTUAL TKL£PHONE jy21 <jm 072. City - Carriage Co. Chas. T. ōuliek Blacksmith Shop N0TARY PUBLIC For tbe lsland of Oahu. Agent to Tako Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant M:\rriage Lieenses, Honolulu, OaLa. Agent for tbe Haw’n Islands of Pitt k Scott's Freigbt and Parcels Express. Agout for tbe Burlington Koate Eai Estate Mer al fleieral A' st Bell Tel. 3-(3; MnL Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street Honolula R 107 KING STREET D. BEJllT, Black8mith Work Carriage Repairing PAINTING ; AND ; TRIM.MING In »11 its Branche«, at Bed Rock Prices, Malual Telepbone 382 FOR One Marqaee Tenl. uew; Size 16x32 feet, 6 feet Wall; 13 feet Boof 8 oz. Dack; Pole», Pina, Rmg Rafter, etc. Inqoire at the HOLOMŪA 0PF1CE. Give ua a C«ll and judge for yourself. jy23 CRITERION SAL00N, Weiland • Extra • Pak Lager Beer 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jyll L. H. DEE. Prop’r