Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Tbe long wisbed rain yet to ( eome. ] i No basebill tbi« afternoon. Cricket in<*tead. i . T I No emeeil at Emma oqnare , tbis afternoon. j, ] Boab clearing ia progre»sing ( slong the line of the proposed • extension of tbe Oahn railw»y. r . * Tbe Arawa arrived tbis morn- ; ] ine from the Colonies and left : ° i tbis port at 9 p.m. ] Tbe French man-of war Dagnay • Trouin is on her way hither from ] Victoria B C. , j ] Mr 8. M. Damon has returned • and ba» re»amed hU duties as ( < Minister of Einanee. Cricket raatcb tbis afternoon , nt Makiki resorvo between teams fr>'m tbe Honolulu club aud tbe ehampioa. Religious senrices will be hekl 1 in H«rmony Hall King street to raorrow at 9:45 a.ra. and 7:30. Many raombers of tbevolunteer military oompaniea bave received “bonorable” discbarges for non- . atteudunce at drills. Tbere is expected to be a great gatbering of people at the Berger jubilee concert thia evening at the Hotel. ! The absent Attorney Geueral aud the rresidont of tbe Board of HoaUh is expected back to town here, tomorrow morning. Tbe bicyclists aro uearly all in training for tbe races whieh are progr.iuiraod to take plaee on 8aturday next at Kapiolaui Park The “personally conducted” Volcano party numbered ten and left for Madarae Pele’a doraains yesterday afternoon iu tbeKinau. Mr. D. M. Crowley was a passcnger for Victoria on tbe Arawa. Uo \Vas boisted on bonrd tbe stearaer in tbe last rainoto. Capt. Hawea. tbe soccossor of Minister M odebouse has arrived, He will probably assume bia office nt tbe oml of tbis raontb. Tbe Waimanalo leaves on Monday for a circuit of Oahu. Capt. Davis will e irry passengers and freigbts safoly to thuir destinatiou. Tbe pnblic will bave an opportonity to listeu to the yocalization. by the Maunorohoer club, of two popular Germau songs at the jubilee cpncert this »ngTbo members of tho Scheutxen ' eluh, Citizen’s reservo and Ameriean League are reported to be I now supplied wkh badges and are coramissioned as special officers. Tho Merry-go-roauJ will open to-uight aftor a short vacation. Tbe always ready Victor will there aud assist all visitors in the going around busioess and in listeuing to the lond voice phonograph. | Mr. C. O. Berger writes to his frieuds frora Gottingen. He is steadily improving in bealth and expects to roturn to Honolulu wilhin two months. He also hopoa that loeal polities hnve laken a rest and insuraaces a ; li(t. The Philadelphia will leave us aod the great ‘republioans’ are {in a stew. Let ns remind them ‘ j of the fact tbat Long Life Whiskey is yet to be found at the Anchor, and that Billy Cuuningham is always re*dy to encourage tbe I I weak-baarted oflSciaIs. >; There is every pnwpeei of to morrow being one of those hot I Josty days whieh are now so frequent. The iils whieh fleah ia i 1 heir io, dnring said weather. may be alleviatod by a cide to Waiki- • j ki « eall io «t Col Jim Sherwoods • Long Br«uch B«tbs and « plunge . in the sparkling w«ter th«t l«ve ihe golden sands