Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Club Stables Company, £. F. Managar Livery and Feed Stables. FOKT STREET, between Hotel aml Berctani:i Streets, Houolulu. Both TeIephones 477 j_v'23 loi PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory, lUKI.m aii<1 lee Cream Parlors 1 HORN m m 1863 llt H(l 1894 pkactk al CONFEC TIONER and ORNAMENTER In all brattchr» o/ thr b>txinru Oii thi»f i»land*. Americ»n, Enirlish, Oennan and Frccch PASTRIES Made to Order, BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CARES M*d« of the Very Besl Material »nd at Reast.nable Ratcs. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Alie<iifx on Uaud. ALL CO.\FECTIOAERV Manufacture<l at My Est;»bli»hmeiit Are (iuai-antird to be Poāitlvely Pure and Sold at Prices no other cstshlishmcnt ean eompele wlth. g0T FACTOHY AND STORE, No. 71 Hotei Street» Honolulu, Both Teiephones No. 74. jy'3C

TO LET. A Large Farlor Bedroom, King Street, next door to John F. * Bowler’s residence. Iuquire of jy27 10t Mrs. BAILEY. PANĪHEON SALOON, FORT ANI> HOTEL 3TS. ! HeadQuarters Enterprise Mw'm Co. Largest Cons'gnment of Beer that ever arrived here, on Draught jjrl4 J. DODD, Prop'r I F. OKHTZ, d BOOT axd 8HOEMAKEH I Rep*iring Ne*tlj Dooe. Oppoehe !hf Clnb 3UWe», Fort S»reet. »nd will bc to «e Uii old frieod». mrT lf 1 NTED! FURNiTrHE. DI3HE3. GLA3S1VARE, eiook», TllfWlt Je»elry, Okl 6old »ad 3Urer, »nd l»0(rtit »nd *oid n 114 Rlng 8trcet, coroer of Al»ke». Jjr37 A ADTmi§TB4TOR*M 5 KOTI€E. Ki 01 THE UXDERSIONED h»riag bwn dnlr •ppointed Admuiutr»iar ot the £»t»te of PAUIA KALOI k. of Mjbe. H»d», i. deee*ard, wonki heiewiik gire Modqe to »11 per»ns h»riag aoe mnw tbe **id e«t*ta y> pnwenl the» io him. properie non lo. wilhin >ix monih» from da>» henei, or thej *Ui be IareT« b*rred. Ami »11 penon» owmg th* sud e*tate an reqne*ted io *«tie {urthvith. M.H.SEUTEB. Admiai»tnu>r of the of Pahia Kaloi daoeedbd. Haaa, Maoi.Jttir7th.UM.