Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

G0NSA1VE! Kirp> ob Hbo\1 i 9apptr of tbe Verr Bost Ymm Soa In of W.. I'i 30, «V anii 70 Bb» < THIs 5«>AP 15 THE ?iaest Imported He ?PECIAL PRICE5 FOR i CA5E: IS LOTS. )i& SKLEV >S C0M Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH W1USK Samtly: 13EN ALDOCHLAX, Ainsley's 0LD Blended Glenl GLH KION, Extra,Sp 6LENLI0N

F POUXD MASTER’S NOTICE. Xotic« is herebv giveu to all persons that there are at the Govemmeut Poumi at Makiki, four strayed horses. 1 poor ted horse, vrhite spots on the forehead, batk and on the left side; brand AF queer brand on left hip; two hind fetlocks white; 2 front hoofs nhod; one black mare, white spot on forehead and back; braud, a heart; brand on left hip not distinct; sore back; one bay mare, white fotehead; brand 2XM3; brands on left and right hips iudistinct; one bay horse, fore fetlock white; brand on right hip brand on left not plain. All persons owning same src rednested to take the same on or before 12 o’oloek noon SATUKDAV, AUG. 4 18!M. JAMES KUKONA, Pound Master. Makiki, July 21. 1SW. jy21-dt 4Uō Nuuanu St. P. O. Bos 809. S. YASUM0RI, MERCHANT TAILOR, Dealer in Japanese Gootl9, Boots ; anel Shoes of Japanese make; Cheap for Cash, New Goods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE SUNG KEE, 49 KIXG STIIEET. TINSMITH, asi. DEALER IN GLA88ware, Crockery, Coal-Oil Stoves, Water Potō—Plumbing in All Ita Brancbea Faithfully Esecuted. Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Frnits anil Groceries. Fresh Frnits by Every California Steamer, Eresb Island Butter from Hawaii. 13,5 Fort Street. Cotfee Roasted. P O. Box 169 Fresb Island Produce. Gooda • Delivered to Any Part of the City. Jy21 TCEX KEE, TINSH1TH axd DEALER IN TINWARE. Piping Laid and Repaired. AH Orders Fromptly Attended to. Charges Very Moderate. C»ll and See Us. No. 222 Maunakea St., Honolulu. jy20 Im ITOHAN, e 99 |3i?OKTER asv DEALER IN GEXERAL I Mercbandūe, Eieluajvely of Jap*aese Mannfacture—WHOLE8ALE k RETAIL 204 &nd 206 Fort Stnet. P. O. Box 116 Mutuml Tek. 592. jy iā \ flEW tbe Haw’ū M i L. M. John8os, Manager Muloai Td 599 Bell Tel 555» OFFICE In VAS<JNIC BUILDING We »re peep&mi to furaUh uniiomni me* Moeen »11 bour«. Prooiptne*» »mi *»U*bctk>n enar»ni«ed. Too rin> a» up aod we «iU do tbc r«M. i Hooriy nUe* 40 «nu. For <li«t»ac« r»te» •M M««Mngen M»p. jy5 3m