Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


The Board of Heu!th may meet L)inorrow aftemoon. I , Nuaanu stre:tm, that was. is a j dry look ng water-way now. . i ' ( Tbc list o! voters is reported to he short of tbe 600 mark yet. — .. The day of departare of eitber the Flagsbip Pbilade!pbia or H. 1 B. M. S Ohampion, is doabtful. 1 Mr. J. R. Mill», is now the ba'iiuess manager of the Pacific Transfer Co. of tbis city. Tbe troops of tbe Fiagship ( Pbiladelphia were landed for - shore drill this moming. Qaick despatch will be given ! to the bark Amy Taruer; she bas > alreadv commenced discbarging. 1 1 i< Loeal tradesmen will greally miss tbe war ve3sels when they leave, espec : ally if tbeir placos 1 are not filled by otbers. > i i Tbe bktue. Klikitat, Captuin ( I Cutler, arrived Lere yesterday 1 from Port Townsend, via Ka Lalai. I Tbe bark C. D. Bryant, Jacob- , ( son master, was to lenve San 1 Francisco for tbis port August • tith. " Do not forget tlio saleof drugs. raodicines. groceries, provisions, etc., etc., by Levey at his salesrooms tomorrow at 10 a.m. 1 Rumor LatL it tbat tbe Conn cils Are preparing a law to per , mit Government officials to sit na ( jurors. | i TLe stearaer Kinau with tbe ] “personally oouducted” party to the Volcano, will arrive back in i flonolulu, om noxt Saturdny | | morning. i . TLe bktne. W. H. Dimond, ( Captain Nisson, sailed for Sau . Franciscoyestord iy, with a sugar i and rice cargo, valued at $29,288. No raore ‘'Holy GLost" Sunday shows. TLe missionary elemenl Lave awakenod to a sense of their former desecration of the “Lord’s Day.” Bnt lillle progress is being made in tho land-clearing along tbo Oahu Railway, only a small force of laborers being eraployed at present. TLo members of the Boards of # Examiners and of Registration Lave been in bosinoss abont sixteen days, and Lave enrned about $80 eaoh. Fine oountry this, for strangers. TLo drought still exists, althongh, temporarily relieved by heavy ruin showers on the Lills, during this, early, morning. i . TLe mercury climbs daily to 88 degrees, and there it remaius from morning uutil evening. Butter melts at this temperatuie and «11 things hnman generally perspire. At least, 'tis so in Honolulu. m C. R. Bishop is repoited to be negotiating for the salo of Lis bankiug business, and also tbe palatial residence on Emma street. Col. Macfarlane is report*d to have fouud electric lights and 1 eoin for the well paid Prof. Berger, but neitber lights nor ! shekels for tbe poor N*tional > Baud boys at their lndependence Day jierformauce.

The steamer Anstralia is due bere from San Fraccisco on next Saturday, tbe lltb inst. Tbe 1 vessel is expected to bring a number o( “stalled” passengere. and a large amount o( delayed ' mail, President Mnrr.iy of the League aud bis committees •hould feel well pleased at tbe success of ibeir eflorts in tbe masquerade in giviug pleasore to i so mtny people, and in obtainiog eoin for tbe clnb.

I W. A. H»rdy tbe popnl*r <3epoty sheriff &t Hiio Hawaii is io town oo l»nsine*«. He retnrns | home next veek. Tbe liLel ca.se of T. H. Hobron vs. E<lracnd Norrie. £ditor of tbe Holo3ICa, was nol-proe’d : this raorniog in the Circnit . Court. The Woraan’s Board of Missions met thi» afternoon in tbe "Union Pagoda’’ and the usnal moutblv retnrns were read and approved. Mrs. Featber8tone, the woman who so narrowly escai»ed being stibbed t > de*tb .by bercowardly hn»band is reporteil to be recov- j ering from her prostration and her wounds are bealiDg. The onee famons impartial interpreter of the Snpreme Conrt is now mentioned a.s making his speeches *‘trippingly on the tongue.” 2 And now comes the lately returned Miuister of Fiuauce with a notice to all who hokl commis- j sions in his department, that said pspors are uall aud void j from Sept. 1, 1894. The steamer Eleigic is the next vessel of the Pacific Mail S. S. Co. duo here. She comes from tbe Orieut and is due bere, Aug. ,j 21st, eu route toSan Francisco. Tbere was no bi»nd performance i at Eiuiii;» Square last evening nor ■ will there be oue next Satnrday j afternoou. The government is , probably making expenses. The Portuguese elemeni aro; now joined in loud deuunciatiou 1 of the stricter enforcement of the Sonday law on people of their : nationality several arrosts being '1 made last Sundiiv, J I The Inspector-general of e Scliools, will preside over the examination exercises of ai>pli- , 1 cants for certificates in the Pnm- 1 ary grade, at the Fort street a school-house on September, 3rd r aud 4th. i 1 h Mr. Qorham D. Gihnan. whose 11 post of duty is that of Hawaiian f Consul at Bostou, Mass., is still c enjoying life in the tropics. The f gontloman has been an ardent c opponent to the ‘‘rights of roval- j ( ty.” ' * | > Hou. A. G. M. Hawes, the 1 British Minister, visited the 1 H. B. M. S. Champion and the ] | u. S. Flagship Philadelphia this * forenoon, aud received asalnto of 13 guus, from the respective i 1 < ships. Featherstone tho cowardly j knife-weilder, formerly one of 1 the special spies, whiph atill in- ■ fest this city, was brought up be- 1 fore Judge Robertson this afteraoon, and. after examination,was Committed for trial. The‘‘heaihen ’ Hawaiian customof‘iuaus”is now being honored raoro in the observ»uce thau the breach by leadiug society ‘‘missionary” families, in honor of the ret*ru of noble scions, on cfollege vacation. ‘ High jinks’ are a promiuent future of the gatherings. Prof. D. D. Baldwin of Haiku, Mmi, the indefatigable searcher after lrtnd-shells has a numerous and extensive series of sets, whioh are all well worthy the attention of tourists, who are interestetl in oonobologv*. A Hne to bis addreas will receive proper attention.

Judge Cooper bas decidcd tbat Brewer Co. sbould pay their sbare of expenses incurred in bringtng Portnguese laborers to tbis port in 1S90. The matter is. for the present, referred to 1 1 Henrv Smitb Esq.. as master, to , determinc tbe amount to be paid. i 1 Tbe usual bnsy wbarf and barbor scene will be presoated ! tbis afternoon on the occasion j ! { of tbe depaitures of the steamers i Claudine for Mani, lbe Mikahala ; > i for Kauai, tbe James Makee for > j Kapaa and Kilanea. Kaoai; and >. tbe Iwalani for Makaweli and j j Waimea, Kanai. Tbe Teasels all 1 leave between 4 and 5 o’eloek.