Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PURIFIED WATER. No Miorob©s. W BE l'SED BT THE CONāOLIDE TED SODA WATER WORKS COMPAXY. X]a.©3r !F , AXxi3-isii tlxe FcMHtains Xlxic\a.gr£i tlie Cit3T, EXCKFTI9U ONK DPaxxs as Cx3rstSLlTKT ITaus7 HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wholeaale and Kotail Doalers in Fine CigcLXS, Smckixig r Toloa,cco, Sxnclxexs u^-xticles. Agents for ihe Celebrated Gr. B. T>. PIPES, MAUE IN PAU8A. Benson, Snxith. & Co., The Corner rr DRUG ST0RE Pnre Drugs, True Perfumes, Pp©Hipt LVtteiitioxi, Low Prices Comer Fort & Hotel Sts. aui .1 i S. LEVT, Will on AUGUST let Kemove from his preseot atore on Holel street, to the plaee formerly occatn*ed by Benson, Smith <k Co., on Forl street. After f ge't settled it will be to yonr 3dvantnge to notes the prices, etc., that wi;l appear in this eolumn. P. 0. Box 480. Ml'T(JAL TEl.EfHO.VK 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Furniture

IS AT THE cornes or King & NuuaniiSts. I X L Honolulu M. L ir» Gust. A. Mauer, SAM yee hop. HAWAIIAN H07EL BARBER Ladies Shampooing a »pecialty. Honolulu. aug4. No. ō52 King Street, Deaier in Cilifornia and Hawaiian Fraiw and Yeget»blee, Gnava Jelly, Tea and Grr>and Cotieo. Cigars etc, :jy20