Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 August 1894 — A REPUBLICAN JUDGE. [ARTICLE]


We have had occasion in a former issue to mention somc of tbe doinps of the district inagis- ; trate of Wailuku, This so-c«lled judge is ;» }*ot of the present gov- j erumeut morc especially of H. P. £aldwin, and he bas Oever been verv bnlliant as a lawver or a f * * man. Last week Mr. V. V. Ashford on beb«lf of a client was obl?ged to have Mr. E.H. Builey, the tDBUager of the Huwaiian Fruit, etc. Taro Corapany arr«sted on a ehargo ot embezzlc*ment. Mr. £ailey belongs to the “fumily j e.uup.aei" und the obodieut judge refused to is«ue tbe warrant. It [ finaliy hoeame neceasary for Mr. Ashfonl to j>etition tho Circuit Court to appoiol a temporary raagistruto owiug to the biased action »n«l general ignorance of Mr. Helokunihi tho Wailuku Judge. The petitiou wus granted aud au order i.»sued authorizing Judge Copp to take jurisdiction in the case. The :ippointraeut of a man like Htdekuuihi has created groat dissatisfaction in Wailuku, au.l the governraent has not iuado fiietuls there by tlio importution to tlie Wailuku district of un ignoran.us like the judgo iu question. The Bailey case will be heard uest Sutortlay in Wailuku.