Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I Club I Stabies Company. F. ManageF Livery and Feed Stabies. FORT STREET, Wlweon (iote1 nml Berd-mi:i Streot<, Honnlnln. Both Teleph<*nes ... 477 jy23 Im PION’EEK Steam CANDY Factory. BAKi:KY aiKi lee Cream Parlor 1894 W m m u Cj&/ v O • zw~ PRACTICAL CONFEC T10 X EH AND ORNAMENTER In all bra,irht* «/ lht bu»iness o,t iheee inlaueU. Amenoaa, Ene!i?b. German and French PASTRIES Made to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Made ol t’ne V«ry Bo«t Matorial and at Koasonablc Kates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Alway» 011 llaud. ALL < 0\Fi;(Tl«>KRV Manufactnred at My Estab!isbment Arc Guaranteed to be Positirely Pure and Sold :*t Prices no otber cstsblisbment ean compcte with. FACTORY AND STOUE. Xo. TI Hote! 6trcet, Honolulu. Botb Telcphones X<>. 74. jrd6 TO LET. A I.irge ParIor Bedroom, K ng Street, next door to John F. Bowlers residence. Inquire of jy27 10t Mks. BAILEY. PANĪHEON 8ALOON, FORT AXD HOTEL STS. fleaiparters Eutenirise Brewim Co. TOE Largest Consignruent of Beer that ever arnved here, noty on Draught jyl4 J. DODD, Prop'r 4DN1 \ISTH LTOR*!S \OTICE. THE L"XDERSIGXED haring been dnlr •ppointed A>iministr«tor oi the Eeaie oi PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae, Han». Maui, dec«ased. woald herewith gire &otioe to ali persoos haring «eeoanu ag«inst the said est*te to presect them to him, properir 5worc to, within six mon;hs from datē hepeof, or ther wiil be forerer b«rred. Aad all penoiu owmg the said estate are reqaested to settle forthwitfa. M. H. REUTER. Administrator of the Esute of Pahia ‘ *L\j dece«se<I. . Haaa, Maui, Jaly 7th. !St4l. jr9-lm New »Tapan Nlarket. 367 Miumkea Strret. Fresh Meat on Ict 4 Pound 2ōCts. j SC'.;uki, Maoa<«?r. *“ augl - - . . ; : CHIN KEE. HOR-SESHOEING SHOP, | Maunak&i a Pauahi Slreet. Xew Mt aH roond $ 1 50 | Oki *et ail roond 1 00 ; X«xt Docr K» Xo. 5 Engtne HoHae. »■«1 I