Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HAWAIIAN REPUBUC. OFFICIAL LIST 0F MEa BERS AM) LOCATlON OF BDREAUS. Ex«crrm Cor»ctt. 3. B. rv>>. Prv«<!.Vn$ of ;n» Prr>Ti»Jon»; Got»m m«ns 'f tlte t*Undb>. Mtnis$e' of Ff>rrtjrn Afthir«. J. A. Kiar. Mlni-«ti'r of the lnlertor. 3. M. P»»wn. MinMer ot Ptn*n<«. W. O. ?mttls. At;orney Oea«r*;. Ar>v»>BT Corxnt. W. C. W1!drr. Vk>e-Pre»l.lrn» of thr Pr*<T‘»lot5« Goveminent of the H*«r*tl*n I*!«n>.l«. C. Boitr, t>ell Br»wn, John N,>«, John En*. Jam« F. Morjt»n EĪ 8 ihr. Jo*. P. Memlon». Ch»«. T. RiHls“n>, Ooaneiia. John Kmmelmh K. D. Tean«T W, P A!J« n H«nrr Waterhī>u»« A. Yoti :>« K. M. Hatrh 8eeretarv Ex. a >1 A<1» SlTRKJIK CoCKT. Hon. A. F. Jud.l, Chtef Tu*ttce Hon. R K. Bickertoxi. Klm Aawriate Jnsttoe. Hon. W. F. Frear. Asauriate Just:ce. Hcnrr Smtth. Chicf C:crk. Ge<v Luo» s, Deputy Clerk. C. F. t’o!cr»on. Sx»n.t IVp itr C!erk. I. Walter Joaca, S!eaotfraj>hcr, CiKcrrr Jpdgbs. Ftrr! Ctrcui»; j Oahn Second Clreui» (Mani) A. .V. Kepoikal. Thiid»n.l FourthC1renUs fHawall) S. U Au»ti FlfUi Circu!t; (Kaual) J. Uardr. Offlees and Conrt-room In court Hoo«e K. .- nttio| H :,o!ulu-Th.' Mouday m Kebruary. M«y, Au*u.'t and Noth. ber. P«rArrai.vr or Foa*tos Arr*ta.v OAIeeln Capitol Uul!dtn*. Kin* street. Uis E«oelleney 8aulord B. I>ole, Mlm*!er ol ForeI«n Aff*in>. Geo. C. Potter, SeereU ry. W. Hor«ce Wnght, Liouel H«rt, Clerk*. D*PA*TlIK.VrOF I.NĪKUO». Offlee lu Executire BuLding, Kin* jtreet. Hls E«eeUeney J. A. Klne. Mtnlster o( lnterlor. Chtef Clcr*. John A. Hhm n«er. A»»lsUat Clerk»; J«mes H.B.)rd, M. K. Keohokalole, 8tepheu Mahaulu, Oeor»e C. Ko«» £dw«rd 8. Boyd. Bc«xac or AoaiccLTra* A)*o Foa*»r*T. Pr«»Id«at; His Exceilencr the MlnUler of In(ertur. Wm. Q Irwln. AiUn Herberl. John Kn«. J.weph Marsden, Conunl»aloner «nd Secreury. CH1*F8 0F BCa*ACS. I.VT*lHo* D*FA*THKX1 snrveTor-QeneraI. W. U. A!ezanaer. 3upt. Puhl e Work». W. E. Koweli. 8upt. Wa»cr Work«, Andrew Brown. In»peetor. Ēlectrtc U(th!s, John C«Midr. Reg1strar of Cjuveyauces, T. G. Thnim. Road 8npervljior, llonoiuiu, W. H. Cumminitt Chlcf Engineer Klre Dep».. Ja» II. HunU Supt. lueaue Asylum, Dr. A. McW'ayne. D*F*KT5f X.TT 0F Fi.TA.TCX. Office, Ezecutive BoUdinf, King itreet. Miol»Cer ol Plnaaee, HU EzceU«ury 3 M Damon. Audtu>r GenermI. Geonre J. Ro««. Registraro( Accounts, W. G. Ashler. Clerk ol Plnanoe olllee, E. A. Melnemp. Col!ector ‘Jeneral o( Custom, J*<. B. e'aaiie. T«z A«aenor. Oahu, Jooa. Sn»w. Deputy Taz A»»essor. W. C. Weeilon. Pu«tma»ter-General, J. Mort Oat, eeno» Bc**ac. Offiee, Co9tom Hou»a. Explacade, Fort ttr«et Cmleetor-GeneraI, Ja». B. Ca«Ue. Depnty Col.ector* F. B. Mc8toeiter. M»rbormuter, Captaln A. Puller. Port Surreyor, M. x 3an-ler«. Storekeeper, George C. Stratemeyer. ;DiPA*Tmz.TT 09 Arro«.T£T-GK.Tia*i. Offlce ta EzeouUre 6ulldlnx, King •trect-Attomey-GeneraI. W. 0. 9mlth Deputy Attomey.<J«oerai, G. K. Wilder CTerk, J. M. Kea. Manhai. 8. O. Hl!chcoek. Clcrk to Manhai, H. M. Dow. Depnly Manhai. Arthur M. Broaro. JaUor Oahu Prt«n, J. a. Low. Pnaon PhyaicUa, Dr. C. B. Cooper. Boaxd >9 Ijugobatiof» Pmldent, Hl* Kxceliencr A. KJng. Member of the Board of Immigratlon; Hoa. J. 3. Ath*rton, J«». B. )’aot:«, Hon. A. S. Cleghora, James U. Spencer Mark P KoWnaon. 9e«ret*ry, w r *y T«ylor, Boa*d >r Hxaj.th. Offlce In jronnds of Coart House BulMlng oraer -A Mī.ila.-.i aa>l «iueen streeu.